Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Old and Out of shape but not giving up

It was a gorgeous day today. After a hectic day at work I came home and Joleesa, Micah and I made Micah a home cooked meal (lasagna). Then we went to a place just 10 minutes from our place that I had heard about but never been to. I hate the name, it's called "The Devil's Punch Bowl". It is a beautiful place of cliffs, trails and trees. Punchbowl because it is deep and round, I'm not sure why they give the devil credit it for it as it truly God's handiwork. Joleesa will post pictures on her blog (getting her camera there was a story in itself *shakes head*). You know how I said yesterday I walked, walked and walked the Mall of America, today it was climbing, stairs and trails. Brother Nowling thought I wouldn't make it and I didn't keep up with Joleesa and Micah totally. But I loved being out there and I wasn't going to let my body stop me. And Micah proved himself a monkey over and over again as I held my breath as he jumped from place to place.

We then came home and they built a fire in our fire pit stove (gorgeous night too) and Micah showed his knowledge of fire tricks. It was good evening and night. We'll be looking forward to both Micah and Joshua Grant coming this summer for camp.

The youth keep my spirit young and reminds my body that it's not...but each ache will remind me of the beautiful evening. I needed it!

The late nights are not for me and I have had two in a row...so this body is going to bed.

Love ya all...I might even enjoy this.


Momma Tammi said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Good for you!