Friday, May 26, 2006

I Need the Prayers

Ok. I've been excited about this move. But...Brother Nowling and I were trying to make it to the Alaska convention. Larry Walloya and Tim Osborne got us standby tickets. To make a long story short, after many hours on the phone with Larry, and Alaska Airlines, and searching the internet, it looks like the flights to Anchorage are booked and overbooked. There is one that has 1 seat and another 1 that has 2 seats. But standby means if someone else purchases tickets it's their's. This doesn't matter whether we leave Wed, Thurs, or Friday. Brother Nowling says he was trying to not get his hopes up...but mine were. I did not realize how much I feel like I need to see where we are going. (Not that I don't want to go if we dont). I just felt I'd know how to plan better if I'd been there.

I'm currently sitting at work (the office is closed and I'm here by myself) crying. It doesn't matter that it's been a horrible day at work as tension has been so thick as different ones wanted to leave early for their weekends and nothing was on time for them to be able to. So that is why I am still here waiting for our papers to come. And partly because of another late night (it was after 1 am before I got off the phone with Alaska Airlines and Larry)and partly because the enemy is just trying to get the best of me.

There's a reason I'm sure...but I can't imagine what it would be. Larry is not giving up yet he said. The good thing is there's $400+ we won't be spending that we need for the move. But I soooooo needed it. Not just the need to see where home is going to be...I need a refreshing. It's been so long since we've been in service with more than 3 other people and our family. I thank God He has kept His hands on our girls. Alaska has been said to be the Last Frontier, for us here with The Church of God in Menomonie, it has felt like Menomonie is our last frontier as we have been so alone for several months now.

I'm sorry...I needed to pour my heart out somewhere and not even a family member is available for me right now as they are all working (of course, except Jenna's she's graduating and I'm thankfurl our Brother and sister, Bobby and Annette were able to be there and help her celebrate). So you all are the lucky ones...but you could choose to stop reading too :oP.

Pray for me please. Pray for us.

Sis Nowling


Momma Tammi said...


Juls4Him said...

I'll be praying for you Sis. I know the feeling with cross country moving and I would be the same as you. I would feel so strongly about wanting to see where I'm going...just to get some peace of mind. I was that way when I moved from Arizona to Texas and then Texas to North Carolina. I wanted to go ahead and see. But I know the Lord will help you if you aren't able to do it. He will make a way to give you that settling peace of mind. He knows if you really do need to go or not and He is so good to help us, especially if we are doing the thing purely out of obedience to Him! You have my prayers! Sis Julie

J Nowling said...

Thank you for the prayers and words of encouragement. Please continue to pray. We're still going to go the airport and take the first step of this faith journey and see if he makes a flight available. If not I'm ok. We may get to go at a later date but either way, I'm ok.