Monday, May 22, 2006

A New Beginning

Another blogger is born. We have been lurkers and commenters but now have joined the blogging world. Yes both Brother Nowling and myself have been lurkers for some time...I would venture a comment now and then but that's where it stopped.

Brother Nowling had suggested that we keep a blog as we embark on "A new beginning" for our family as we put into motion the steps to the biggest change our life has seen in years, if not ever. That is Alaska. Anchorage, Alaska. We heard God calling us to move but we were praying where? God worked through theocractic government and showed us beyond a shadow of doubt where. Hence the title of our blog "Never the less, not my will but thine". Alaska. We're tired of snow, and cold. Brother Nowling wanted to tie a snow shovel on the roof of the car and go South until someone asked us what it was and that's where we'd move *smile* And God is saying Alaska! We remember the form that we completed when we became ministers. One of the questions that we took very serious was "Are you free from self will?" We both took our answer of "yes" very serious and meant it. And so as the call came...we answered "yes."

Hence the monster truck...the beginning of our journey to the faaaaar North.

Please pray for us as we continue to plan, raise the funds and make the move.

We'll keep you posted in the the purpose of the blog. As well to share other thoughts.

Together in the blogging world.

Sister Jada


Momma Tammi said...

God certainly is taking a lot of us out of our comfort zones and testing to see if we truly are free of self will. If your trip takes you through Canada, please stop and spend the night. We would love to see you.

Love the background. I'll add your link to mine.

The Middle J said...

I'm impressed momma- its awesome

Sis. Tammi I'm all for stopping and seeing you guys- I even looked to see if we could be there for church but its depressingly out of the way...

J Nowling said...

We'll actually be going through the Yukon. We're trying to figure it that way as it would be a real encouragement along the way to visit with a Brother and Sister who has already experienced something similiar.

We desire your prayers. The financing that we have to come upwith are astronomical. As Sis. Annette said...we're walking by faith. But we know He is in it. If I could even begin to tell you how this all came about. We know it's God so He'll get us there.

Micah is the one that put our blog together. He's still gotta tweek it but I didn't want him to spend the little time he is here on the computer. I'll be getting links on our site to...if Micah doesn't get to it, Jenna will when she gets home.

Momma Tammi said...

I understand trying to find the quickest, most direct, most economical route possible. The offer still stands though. You guys are welcome to make our home one of your stops on the way to your new home.

Anonymous said...

Walmart only sells snow shovels down here to rip off yankees!

J Nowling said...

Oh Sister Annette - LOL. I love you. Today is really warm. Anchorage actually sounds good.

Sister Tammi-
I hope at the assembly we can find time for our family (Suttons are family too)and your family can go to dinner again. 1.) You've been so sweet in the comments you've madeon the girls blogs and they really want to meet you, 2). I have felt since we've made the decision to move that you folks you would be great to talk to as to see the many miracles God worked and is working for you.

May we see if we could make it work. By then we'll know the route we're taking. I'm still hoping someway we can pull it off to go through Vernon.

Momma Tammi said...

It is so funny because I met you and the Sutton's at BTI. I got to see Bro. Bobby a while back at the Oklahoma Family Retreat, but Sis. Annette couldn't come with him. It would be so great to get to see all of you again and to be able to share all of the wonderful miracles that God has done and is doing for these moves.
We would love getting together for dinner while at the Assembly.

I've enjoyed getting to know Jessa and Jenna through their blogs and feel a closeness to them akin to the relationship that I have with Grace. Those are very precious relationships to me. I hope and pray that my sons can find someone within The Church that is older and wiser than they that they can have this same kind of relationship with.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Did we just get invited to dinner? LoL!!!!
That would be great! Except, I am not sure we can afford to eat ...
Just kidding!

Momma Tammi said...

Maybe we should eat fish so that you can get used to it. ~grin~