Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I'm So Tired Already

I'm soooo tired already and it's going to be a looooong night. I'm expecting just about anything and trying to be prepared for it, especially seeing what Brother Bobby's going through. I have a great peace though and I thank you for the prayers as that is the only reason for the peace. No matter what takes place, I am looking forward to spending time with my husband. We don't get much time together as I work days and he works nights. So this will be a blessing no matter what happens...although I want to be at convention *pout*

Well I have to go finish the last little things of packing. I then have to go clean my office (Jody and the girls have been doing this to earn extra money for us). The girls will do it themselves over the weekend. I then pick Joleesa up from work, come home and take a quick bath and then leave to pick Jody up at work at 9 p.m. and we'll take off for Chicago.
With this peace Lord give us strength as our bodies are already tired and we want to be able to enjoy the convention when we get there. Jody can go on little sleep. I have severe anemia (I get monthly B-12 shots, which I got today) and cannot make it with little sleep. I will hold onto the scripture in Romans that says "If that same spirit that raised up Christ from the dead, dwell in me, it will quicken my mortal body". I'm not sure if that's exact but He's done it before so Do it again Lord, please!

Love you all. Thanks for the prayers and just keep them coming.


Momma Tammi said...

Yes Ma'am! Bloom where you are planted. ~smile~ We feel the same way about Vernon...the moment we drove into town and met our congregation, we felt like we were "home" or as at home as you can feel in this world.

Juls4Him said...

Our church had special prayer for your trip last night about the time you were probably getting to the airport in Chicago. We prayed that you would walk right onto the plane in Seattle and that all would go smooth! I prayed this morning when I got up that you were already enroute to Anchorage. It was probably a little after it was to take off but God knew right where you were at the time. No matter how it all went, I know the Lord was with you!