Saturday, May 27, 2006

No Work Today

Brother Nowling and took the day off from doing much work today (except the absolutes of course. We went looking at trailers (a wasted trip except for we enjoyed our time together, but the trailers were small). We came home and took a nap and then took Joleesa to a friend's house while Jessa and us went to KFC for dinner, did a quick shopping trip, and then picked Jenna up from the airport. Our family is back together now. I'd say back to normal, but I don't know what normal is these days *smile*

While shopping, the Pastor's wife in Winnipeg Canada called. I called her back as we continued our trip to the airport. Please pray for them. There is only the 2 of them and then 2 individuals that come regularly but aren't members. Anyway they are really lonely. They knew nothing about Brother Pruitt resigning. No one has been in touch with them. I feel so bad. I use to try to call them once in awhile but I've had so much going on that I neglected them. I felt I had to tell them about our moving and she just sounded...I don't know, she tried to be excited and encouraging but I could hear it in her voice. The other couple that attends has been asking if we or anyone will be coming up this year and she's had to tell them she didn't think so. Now as to tell them we're moving she said they're going to have to really pray for the right timing. I wish there was a way to get up there one more time, but I don't see how. So please, please any of you who have felt small and alone in the Church, remember our dear Brother Frank and Sister Anne in Winnipeg.

Well I'm going to call it a night. God bless you all and stay cool (it's been hot and humid here, which is unusual this early in the year. AND we don't have air conditioning).

Have a great day in the Lord tomorrow.