Sunday, February 11, 2007

I'm Lovin It

Yesterday our trip to the Kenai included fog and then sunshine. Today it's goregous sunshine. The trees have had light covering of snow or frost on them making them beautiful. You know even though we've had snow since halloween...I can't deny how beautiful it is around here. We were in the 40's and 30's the last couple of weeks and the plows finally cleaned our road up just within the last hour, so all is good.

On another note...we watched the pre-assembly rally this afternoon and Sister Wilson had us all sing "Spirit of the Living God Fall Fresh On Me". As we watched the altar call we saw our family go up and Jessa made the statement, "You know mom, we really prayed make me, mold me, break me...maybe that's what He's been doing since we've been here." Oh how true. He has been allowing us to be broken so that He can mold us and make us into what HE wants. Yes, it's been painful but we are seeing the results within us. He is drawing our family closer than we have ever been. When we've wanted to turn and run, we have found us running to each other. all of us. The girls are growing closer than they have ever been to each other. Jessa's and Jenna's sharing a room has been a good thing like I had hoped. They are becoming friends and not just sisters. The Lord uses the battles of life and brings victory but not always the victory that we think it should be. I praise the Lord for our girls. We (including them) have experienced many hurts over their life time, though there were moments of time that they took their eyes of the prize, it's been temporary and today they have the drive to reach the prize of Heaven more than ever before. Our prayer still needs to be keep them Lord. Don't let the enemy divide THIS house. He has been ever faithful to us, let us be forever faithful to Him.


Momma Tammi said...

What an encouragement. Thank you for sharing.

Vicki Smith said...

God bless you, Sister Jada! It's true that God has been doing a special work on MANY members of TCOG this past year. He's getting us ready for the rapture and I can't wait!!! That move will be all over in the twinkling of an eye. Won't that be great!?!? No boxes to unpack and figure out where to put stuff, no back-breaking lifting and moving and shoving stuff around, just *blink* and we're in HEAVEN!!! Yippee!!! Heaven will be worth all the pain and suffering we endure down here; we won't even REMEMBER any suffering. We'll be thinking, "Suffering? WHAT suffering???" *grin* Thank God for the blood of Jesus that makes us clean and fit for Heaven. God is SOOOO GOOD!!!