Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I WON!!!

No I didn't win a game. I know miracles do still happen, but when it comes to games I need a miracle. BUT I won a $200 gift card to Best Buy for selling the most online advertising today at work. We're having a 3 day promo and each day there'2 $200, $100 and $25 gift cards to different places. Today was Best Buy, tomorrow restaurant(s) of your choice and Nordstrom's for Thursday. I sold $23,000+ today. The second place was $9,000 so I did good. I was really whipped by about 1 pm though. It's not easy trying to make everything come together for your clients. But it felt good to win. I have 3 appointments tomorrow. I hope to make some sales but they'll be nowhere near today's revenue. I'll even take 3rd. The great thing is I also get a major bonus because I not only made my goal, but I reached my stretch goal. Along with that I also get my commission once the ads run. God is good.

The bad news is Anchorage Daily News laid off 35 people yesterday. McClatchy, which is I think 2nd or 3rd largest newspaper group in the country, laid off 9% of it's employees across the state. My department lost it's two administrative assistants. Anyone in sales is pretty safe as long as they are bringing in money. Trust me, it gets scary sometimes. I handle some of the largest accounts and I've had a couple of bad months. But it's picking up right now and I thank the Lord. My heart goes out to those who lost their jobs. I don't know who else it was. I heard the news department got hit the hardest. We're all having to do more with less people. Stress is alive and well at my job, but I thank the Lord I've got a job and He's been good to me.

Well, we'll see what tomorrow brings.


Vicki Smith said...

Congratulations on your victory!!! WA HOO!!! So, did you win any space tickets? HA! When I read your last post I thought they were giving away tickets to go to outer space. :-P That wouldn't be as much fun, anyway, since we don't have any churches or members out there. LOL