Thursday, June 26, 2008


It has been the worst bout of flu, or whatever, I think I've ever had. I didn't go to work on Monday. The bathroom and my bed were my best friends. Actually, I feel like I lost two days of my life. I would say I don't remember it, but OHHHHH I sure do, but I would love to forget. Tuesday I had to go to work cuz as it was my poor boss was on vacation and had to cover for me remotely from home on Monday, and I wasn't going to do that again to him (and unfortunately there were $8,000+ in errors that were made that I had to write credits for~but oh well; not by him but my co-workers that were trying to help out). My boss and I are not to be gone at the same time and this reinforced it. Tuesday was really tough. I had hope to work until noon maybe 1 pm...yeah right; I think I left at 4 (only 1 1/2 hours early). I was still only on liquids. Though I wasn't vomiting, my stomach was queasy and I still was busy in the bathroom. I'm glad my desk is only down the hall. Wednesday was better but still only liquids and crackers. Wednesday night I decided I needed to try something solid and a grilled cheese sounded good. So I did. I didn't go to church because I was wiped out and I didn't dare be too far from a bathroom. Not totally great but it worked. Today was soooo much better. I still ate soup for lunch, but I literally dreamed about fajitas. So tonight we went to a Mexican restraunt and I had my fajita. I know, you got be kidding. But I didn't even begin to finish it all. My stomach doesn't know what to think, but I'm good. AND we had a man that didn't want to pay his bill and he was cussing up a storm, and making a scene. The poor owners had to call the police 3 times, but finally told the man if he apologized he could go (I was in the bathroom at this time ~ not sick though ~smile). So I guess he made the speech to the customers and some customers told him just to go. Well after he left, of course that's when the police came. Brother Nowling felt it necessary stick up for the restaurant owners and had to tell the police how sad it was that it took them 25 minutes to get there. I was with Jenna as she paid the bill, but Joleesa was with her dad and embarrassed terribly. He was civil (Jody that was) but ugh, not necessary!!!

Now the good news. As you've heard about the possibility of us getting a building. I guess last night they talked about it at church, there's excitement, but as I've already said, there's that FEAR how are we going to make the payments. Well the man's been calling to ask me what we were going to do. I told him we really want it but reminded him it is a congregation of mostly "young adults". I began to negotiate with him. I asked if he would be willing for the first 3 months to charge only $.75/sq ft and then go to the $1/sq ft. He was awesome, and said he would. Then he proceeded to ask when we would want to get in, I asked when he was looking at...IF we did take it. We both kind of said August 1st (although I think I'll tell him August 15 because of the assembly). He asked if I could call him in Hawaii on Monday and let him know where we stand.

Have you ever had something that you felt God SOOOOO much in, but more people then you need to see it too. We have more than half of the $1073 committed, but there's still about $400 to come up with. AND it's scary. But now this way it gives us 3 MONTHS that we only need an additional $200 and AND WE HAVE 3 MONTHS TO REALLY RAISE FUNDS to build our expense EMERGENCY fund for a time when we all may be having it rough. Ugh! As far as "how" can each individual do their part...everyone of us has things we can do without AND GOD will bless.

To think that we would have ROOM to grow. It's something also, that by taking this step of faith, growth can and will come spiritually too. Please, please, please pray (as I know you have)!!!


Vicki Smith said...

That's sounds SO exciting! I see no problem at all! By God's grace and the faithfulness of a few it'll work. Little is MUCH when God is in it.