Wednesday, June 11, 2008

We're Going to Have Okra!!!

Yep thanks to our fourth daughter, Jackie, we're going to have Okra. Brother Nowling and I really like okra. She works in the garden center at Fred Meyer and picked us up a package (I think they were mainly for Brother Nowling, but he'll share~I think). I told her she had to plant them though. Saturday Jenna and I went to Fred Meyer while Jackie was working. The plan was to buy dirt, flowers and a planter for the okra. I had a pot that hangs on the house and two other pots that I wanted flowers in. Jenna was going to buy the planter for the okra, well we both bought flowers with Jackie's help. Although Jackie wasn't very assertive in telling us we were buying too much, as Jenna bought some also. I had hoped that Jackie would plant them (with my help of course) Saturday after youth Bible Study. Well that was before she got sick. She wasn't feeling the best at work and by the time she got home she was really feeling rotten, so they didn't make it and my flowers and okra didn't get planted. She was really sick by Sunday and I knew she wasn't feeling well yesterday, so I determined I would plant them when I got home tonight. Well her and Josh were at the house when I got home and she felt sorry for me (or maybe it was the flowers she felt sorry for) and in her sickly state she began to plant the flowers. But we had more flowers then we had pots and dirt. So we all headed out to a different Fred Meyer (not the one she works at) to get pots. NOTE: NEVER take Brother Nowling with to get flowers or more importantly DIRT again. He was so annoying about not wanting me to have dirt left over and yet kept saying we didn't have enough. Ugh! Any way we got what we needed and went home. Josh and Brother Nowling started a fire in the fire pit (I really like our fire pit; wish it wasn't so big and ugly, but I love that we have one) while I attempted to help Jackie finish up the flowers. Here's the pictures I took before my camera went dead. I'll try to keep you updated on their progress. I have a tendency to plant flowers and not take very good care of them; I think with Jackie around she won't let that happen. Sorry these are reversed again. I forget....

The Fuchsia Jenna got me for mother's day is looking gorgeous. I haven't killed it yet and fortunately neither did our neighbor girl.

This is the okra that hopefully will be ready by Thanksgiving time. Remember it's Alaska.

I have no idea what kind of flowers we planted, all I cared about is the color, cost and if I liked them. Jackie knew which ones "trailed", etc so that's all that matter. I'm looking forward to them brightening our deck.


Vicki Smith said...

How pretty! It shouldn't be too difficult to grow flowers in Alaska. They usually grow much LARGER there, and you don't have too many really hot days to dry them out and burn them up. Have fun with your brightly decorated porch!

J Nowling said...

That is so true Sister Smith. Not only that but as I walk out the door they're right there for me to check. I'm really anxious to see how the Okra does.

Jessa Stephens said...

The deck looks amazing!!!