Wednesday, June 04, 2008

It's Over, but I feel we have a new beginning.

We had an AWESOME camp. We didn't have anyone, saved, sanctified or filled with the Holy Ghost. But we had young people experiencing liberty in the Lord. Brother Werkheiser preached under the anointing every night. Monday night I blew the worship songs and the skit I felt so strongly about flopped. Though Jessa and I had practiced the songs and in practice we did fine. I could not get us on key. Jessa was trying to help me but I couldn't hear because of the noise of the freezer. I had felt so inspired by a simple skit while we were singing Josh(Satan) went around and tied ropes around various people and then Jody (a minister of the gospel) with Bible in hand, released the ropes all while we were singing "My Chains Are Gone" and the "Press On". I turned it Brother Werkheiser praying he could find the direction that I couldn't. He got up their and said he thanked God for giving him confirmation during the worship. I'm like, "How?" and he preached about taking a stand no matter what. It was a great message (all of his messages were) and the Holy Ghost broke out but then everyone sat on it...he turned it to me and I KNEW God wasn't done. I had know idea what He wanted to do or what I was to do but I was not going to close out until "the Chains were gone" and He did what He wanted to do. Brother Werkheiser stepped up beside and gave his confirmation that God wanted to do do more that people were "sitting" on Him. The Spirit broke out again. This is really the first time since being in Alaska I saw these people allow God this kind of liberty. I feel like some depth was established and it'll be a new beginning for many.

We also had great fun. We built human bridges, marshmallow spaghetti buildings, a life size battleship game and more. We had 22 total in attendance but only 5 not VLB age or under. I find myself physically exhausted but spiritually encouraged beyond words. Most of all we had one young lady that came to church Sunday morning who went home and packed within less then an hour later was on her way to camp with us. This was a young lady that I had prayed and cried out to God regarding a certain situation. I had done all I knew to do for this situation for almost a year but it didn't seem to change, but I saw God do some work here and I can't praise Him enough for it.

Then there was the banquet. I usually have a lot of fun with preparing the banquet but I couldn't come up with a catchy theme or program. Our camp theme was "Be Strong in the Lord". I knew I wanted a victory that's what we had we had a victory party. Nascar, VLB style. Our colors were red, black and white, white black and white checkered table cloths, red crepe paper, red and white paper products, and red and black balloons with white string AND a race car pinata. I kept thinking it was too simple and not special enough. But it turned out pretty good. Everyone was given a blank piece of paper that was their ticket to the party BUT they had to write out a victory scripture on it as to get in. As they shared the scriptures they took a turn at the pinata which brought laughs as grown people swung the bat at the air. Then then we shared our victory as we went outside and let our balloons go with the scriptures attached. I always love watching that. It was different then any banquet I've done in the past but I feel good about it.

Through and through, it was a good camp. My only complaint is not getting enough sleep. Our services went late so that made late bedtimes and then I couldn't sleep. I am sooooooo exhausted. But I'll catch up. Oh and the other thing it was cool and cloudy and we had no one to be baptised so Brother Werkheiser didn't get the Alaskan experience of baptising at 10 pm in the cold Alaska waters. I think he'd been praying. Oh Sister Smith, please have your husband check his minister's report. He better not have any number in the baptized in water spot...he tried to tell me that two capsizing in a canoe and him sitting in another canoe qualified as a "baptism" because they were submerged. ~smile. If you ask Jessa and Jacob I assure you they did not present themselves willing for that submerging. Gotta love the man. Truly you do.

Well, I think I'll head to bed. I'll try to post pictures later.

Oh Sister Smith, I reminded Brother W. about the rhubarb. He was going to get from Grants before he I did my part ~ grin.


Vicki Smith said...

I'm so glad your camp went so well! I prayed for you guys every day. Right now Brother Werkheiser is probably on his last connection here to Chattanooga; he should arrive soon. Should I set up a roadblock at the Interstate to check and see if he brought my rhubarb? :-)

J Nowling said...

LOL. Yeah you may want to...if something happens and he didn't let me know because Brother Nowling seriously says we'll ship it to you.

I sure missed you and Sister Bishop. The laughs especially. Also, I definitely noticed not having the extra set of hands and EXPERIENCE to pick up and just "do". Everyone pitched in but...I think you know what I mean and so will anyone else that reads this.

Brother Werkheiser will be exhausted I'm sure as PLAYED, PRAYED and WORKED hard.