Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I Love You Lord....

I had a day yesterday when I was feeling lonely. Longing for a "best" friend" beyond my husband. For some reason over the years I've never received that privilege. As a child we moved around so much that I didn't go to the same school two years in a row until 10th grade and we jumped from church to church for years. Then when I did find the Church and married, we continued the pattern of moving. Any way, my husband is my best friend but some times I long for that lady friend to hang out with, shop with and laugh with . His idea of shopping is sitting on a bench in the mall, or in the car and waiting for me. He wants to go target shooting with his gun, and he wants me to go too, I'll try it but it's just not me.

Don't get me wrong, there are those that have come into my life that are "special" to me and when I am with them we have the greatest time, but those people are few and not nearby. There's been many times I've realize it's my own fault as I don't allow myself to get close because I don't want to get hurt, or they'll just be taken out of my life some way, some how. Any way, last night was one of those times I was longing for someone to call and just say, "let's go shopping and have lunch", and there's no one to do that. Some of the youth have "put up" with me being around them and I love them all the more for it as I truly enjoy it, but where is that person my age, that has similar likes as me...any way last night, it really hit me hard. Then today, God showed me once again who my best friend is, HIM. He is so good to me. He laughs with me, cries with me, is there with me wherever I go. Just the time I need to feel "special" He makes it happen. Not in the way, I maybe thought it should be, or wanted it to be...but He does and I love Him all the more for it.

Well sorry for the...I'm not sure what you'd call it! It probably has a lot to do with the weather. I don't know when the last time we saw the sun. Rain, rain, and more rain is what we've had. The good thing about blogs, if you don't want to hear it, just stop reading ~smile.


Vicki Smith said...

I know exactly what you're feeling. I've felt those same pains. I think all women go through that same valley at some point(s) in their life. But those who have "left all" and conserated themselves to the Lord's service have an extra benefit of God's blessing and favor. The lonliness eventually passes and God fills our lives with other blessings. He gives us "moments" of fellowship with other women from time to time and we can relish those times. In between, He gives us grace. When I'm feeling blue because I don't have a girlfriend to pal around with, I have to remind myself that if I had someone close by to spend all my free time with I might get distracted from the Lord's work and somehow get caught up in more temporal values and interests. So, even though our husbands can never fill that void of a female friend, we can be grateful we have them. Others, like Sister Bishop, would LOVE to have her best friend back, even though he didn't understand her female thinking or outlook. ;-) Again, we've got to count our blessings. Besides, what a blessing we have through blogging that no other generation of women before us has had! We can't go shopping together or out to lunch, but we can connect online. What a blessing! --Have a good day, friend!

J Nowling said...

Thank you Sister Vicki for your comments. Oh without a doubt this wasn't the first time I felt this way, and it won't be the last. I appreciated the precious reminders you had for me...especially reminding me of the blessing of my husband. And lastly the "friend". I cried this morning when I read it.

connie said...

I hear you, Sis.
My mom and my daughter are still my best girl friends and they are very far away. Since my husband left, I am not blessed such as you are. I fill Isaiah's ear plenty and lean on his shoulder so much. I too am very thankful for the wonderful Lord that we have. I don't know what I would do without Him. Hey, you can call me anytime you want. We can't go hanging out together, but we can hang out on the phone. Only if you wish.

connie said...

I was just thinking... I don't have a husband, you do. You don't have your mom, I do. I have only one daughter, you have 3. We both have the Lord!
Love ya,

Unknown said...

about last night, i had texted jackie early in the morning in order to get a ride to church, but never heard back from here. Micah was working and wouldn't get off until after church, but he tried to call Josh and couldn't reach him either.

No one else was answering either.

And Matt couldn't take me since he had company here.

So.. I tried.. It's a little tough with the car situation right now.

Sorry, I'm trying my best to be there Saturday, and of course we'll both be there Sunday.

J Nowling said...

Megan, Don't ever forget, we don't live far from you. We WILL pick you up WHENEVER you need us too. You just need to let us know. If Micah works every Wednesday, we can just plan on it on a weekly basis. What time does Micah work until Saturday. I'm excited about Saturday and I hope you both can be there. Let me know if you need a ride. Call before 6 pm as I have to set some things up.

Sister Connie-Thanks you for your extension of friendship. We are blessed in so many ways, but sometimes we just have to be reminded. Love ya.

Unknown said...

i thought that you and jenna came straight from work, so that's why i didn't call you.

micah works on saturday until 11, so he won't be there. and yes, i'll need a ride.

usually on wednesday micah takes the truck so I can have the xterra, but since matt is in town....