Friday, February 06, 2009

Feeling Much Better

It's been a rough week of just feeling yucky. PTL it didn't go full fledge though. More in my sinuses and my vocal then anything. Mornings were terrible but after a hot shower and a few hours into the day I wouldn't be too bad. Yesterday was actually was a good day and I actually came home and worked out with the wii fit. I really had a work out with it and it was fun. I love it. Brother Nowling did it too, but he goofed off more than anything.

The only other news is that apparently there's going to be more people laid off at the newspaper where I work. My job is secure as it's revenue driven but I've not made goal for 3 months as sales have been down so much so that means commissions have been next to nothing. I go to meet with Mr. Wong on Monday night. With the economy like it is I don't know what to do. I have this "feeling" I'm suppose to take this other job, but I don't know why. I'm asking the Lord to make it clear beyond a shadow of a doubt, as there's no going back once I leave the newspaper. I told his son I wanted to wait until after the Fur Rondy celebration which they are a huge part of and I've committed to helping with it and then I'd make a decision after that. He thought that was a good idea. That's not until the end of February so PTL I don't need to make any quick decision. If you think about it, please remember this in your prayers.

Well, I don't know about anyone else but I'm thrilled it's the weekend. I'm not sure what all I'll be doing. We do have our youth Bible Study tomorrow night. Brother Nowling wants me to do our taxes so we know how much money we still need for my trip to England. Other than all that I don't know what I'll be doing. Oh we're going to start the South Beach diet so we'll be going grocery shopping for the "right" foods. No matter how you look at it's the weekend and that means no having to go to work and we have church. That makes it all good.

Oh, Sister Tammi's blog talked about spiritual giants, I commented on her blog as to who one of my spiritual giants were but I want say here is this; I just really ask God to help me the type of person that some day someone will see so much of Him in me that they may say that of me...not for the glory, but because that means I've made a difference. I remember as a young girl wanting so much for Christ to be seen in me in such a way that a complete stranger could see Christ in me from a distance or close up. I have a long way to go, but my prayer is so much that I might be the example that I need to be and the help that I need to be. I hope it's not wrong to feel that way. I hope it's not wrong to have that desire. God knows my heart and whether I should have shared it here or not, I don't know. But I take it for what it's worth.


Vicki Smith said...

I'll be praying for God to give you wisdom concerning your job situation. God's always got the right answer.