Monday, February 02, 2009

Still Waiting

Everyone is still watching Mt Redoubt. A fly over was done and the volcano is putting off gases that are only emitted prior to an eruption. Other than that the rumblings have quieted, it's kind of like the quiet before the storm so they are still figuring it will blow it's just a matter of when, and if the winds will blow the ash towards Anchorage. Brother Nowling picked up four cases of bottled water and bought masks. Whether he take any other percautions, I'm not sure but please continue your prayers. Sister Becki, usually I love to think about the fact that we'll have memories to share with grand kids, but you know, I'm ok if I don't get this memory :-). And Jessa, you need to watching things closely and kind of have a plan B in case you can't get home.

As far as other news. I'm so excited, I got Wii Fit. I had read it about it I think it was on Emili's blog and I've been trying to figure out what to do about an excercise program. I hate joining health clubs and having to have a contract. So I was asking Matthew if he knew about Wii Fit and he actually borrowed me his Wii console until I can get money saved up to buy it (that was if it looked like it worked for me). So after going to Fred Meyer and having all the Fred Meyer's called, calling Best Buy and Game Stop no one had it. I was so bummed. I called Joleesa and she asked if I tried Target, and ah "no" I forget about them being here. So I called and sure enough they had a bunch. So I headed over, then later in the evening Matt came over and set it up and we enjoyed doing it. I'm going to love it. It's basically playing games with your body. How cool is that. I'm going to try to start getting up 1/2 hour earlier to do a 1/2 work out (won't happen tomorrow as I pretty tired tonight). So I'm really excited.

It was men's retreat this weekend so I had charge of service this morning. We only 7 but we had a good SS that I allowed to go long as everyone was really into it and then we had a good worship time. Then a bunch headed to our place for sloppy joes and other food and junk food and watch the superbowl. 3 of Joleesa's friends came over plus Matthew, Nathan, Isaiah, Jacob, and Megan so there was about 11 of us (we really need to find a bigger place ~ please pray, as we're looking). There were a lot of laughs over the commercials and yelling over the game. Fortunately there wasn't anyone that was sold on any one team (although Jacob and Jazzy kind of are) so it cheering over just good plays. Then it was off to church where we enjoyed a good Spirit and a message by Brother McMahon.

Well I'm off to bed. Everyone have a good week.


Netty said...

Excited about your wii fit. Do you feel a workout. I have been thinking of getting one, so I can work around my sickness schedule. LOL!
Sounds really fun!!!
Have a good week!

PS. the baby had a good check up today and it waved at us! :0)

J Nowling said...

I've only done it the once for about 20 mins but not steady 20 mins as Matt and I switched off. I definitely felt it but I'm much more out of shape than you. Though Matt said he could feel it to.

PTL you had a good check up. God's taking care of you and your baby.