Sunday, February 15, 2009

Today Started Off Rough

Today we were having potluck after Sunday morning service. I was fixing chili. No big deal. I planned to get up 7:30 but hit my snooze (shame on me). Got up showered, started the chili, and started gathering up everything. I went to print out the bulletins (I always wait until Sunday morning in case I feel differently about the songs for worship-I think I've got to just go ahead and do it on Saturday). Anyway towards the last couple of the copies of the inside, we started running out of black ink. So I went into the cover to change all the black text to color so I could finish it. Somehow in doing that, it threw "The Church of God" line on to what is the back page, yet it didn't show on the screen ~ ugh (but if I would've done the print preview it did show it there). Any way several of them printed that way before Brother Nowling called me in to tell me. So I had to fix it. THEN he had to print out his message and remember, no black ink so I had to change it to color for him. Then we loaded the car. We drove seperately because we were going to have the youth activity after the potluck. Joleesa and I headed to McDonalds to grab a quick coffee and Brother Nowling headed to the church. My phone rings and it's him his key card isn't unlocking the door. I get there and mine didn't work's really NOT a good day. Fortunately, due to my interviewing for the job with Mr Wong, I had his property manager's phone # on a notepad in my purse. I call her and the maintenance man can't come but she'll be there in about an hour...not good. All of us standing outside wondering what to do. Jaime, the property manager calls me back and says the maintenance man will be there in a half hour. Brother Nowling says he'll stay and wait. Some of went over to Barnes and Noble, some decided to just go home (ugh) and some hung there with Brother Nowling. We know more than got our order for coffee in and Brother Nowling called to say that the maintenance man was there. It turns out we got into the 30's yesterday and today and the key was actually working but the door was frozen. Our key was only worked on the one door (which we didn't know, as Brother Nowling tried it on all the doors). They're now going to program our keys for three of the doors AND he promised us a wireless income system so if the door locks someone out they'll be able to buzz us and someone can go let them in. AND he promised he'd get it in this week. So all things happen for a purpose. So by this time is 10:30 am. By the time we got the cars unloaded and settled in for SS it was 10:45 am and being as Brother Nowling was the only one there from the adult class, he joined the young adult class. We really had a very interactive class about the conscience. I love it when eveyone gets involved.

We wound up just doing SS so at noon, we closed in prayer and had our potluck. We usually do our youth activity on the 3rd Saturday, but Brother Nowling and I will be gone next Friday through Monday to Minnesota to see our family. It seems like forever. I am so looking forward to it. The great thing is we're not flying standby and yet it's not costing us a thing as we're using Brother Nowling's postive space that he received some how from the airport. Meaning they're secured seats at n/c. PTL. We'll be staying at Dorn and Mitzi Thompson. I love this family. Sister Mitzi and I will cry and laugh together. As well as see Brother Nowing's mom, and my dad and brother (maybe another brother and sister will come to see us). Anyway, sorry for straying...because we'll be gone I moved the youth activity to the second week but Saturday was vacation day so I didn't want to take away from those that wanted to do something so it was Joleesa's activity so she agreed to do it Sunday afternoon, and thus the potluck also.

Brother Nowling had to work Friday and Saturday nights (as to get next Sunday off) so we went out for breakfast when he got off work on Saturday morning. He was trying to say that was our valentine date...not to sound ungreatful but we would've done that anyway. Then today different one's were asking me what he got me...and I would just look at him and grin and he would tell them thanks for nothing (basically). It was great! So he owes me big time. Especially since I got him a card and the 4x4 truck driving game for the WII.

Now tonight is my youth service so hopefully all the bad stuff is out of the way so we'll have an awesome service.

Tomorrow is President's day so two of my co-workers are off (we do a patriots day and employees chose a day off in Jan or Feb - thus my Friday to go to MN) but this mean I have two desks to cover.

Oh by the way, I am really frustrated, around September we had our piano tuned, and it's needing it again. All we can figure is the temp got down to 60 degrees when it got really cold. I just find it hard to believe that would do it...but it is so out of tune that Micah can't even play the guitar. So I'm going to call the lady tomorrow about it. Brother Nowling wanted to, but I wanted to talk to her and see what her thoughts were and see if maybe she'll discount it.


Vicki Smith said...

"Problems, problems, problems all day long..." (I think that's a song from the 50's or 60's.) ;-) Sorry you had so many problems, but it sounds likt they all got worked out eventually, one way or the other. Hopefully the rest of the week will go better.
Hey, whatever happened to your volcano? Did it ever blow? (I'm not good at keeping up with the news other than what I hear on the blogs)
Still praying for your job situation.

J Nowling said...

Our volcano is still gurggling (sp?). One day the treat of erruption is immenent and the next they're saying it could be weeks or months. It still at a code orange so who knows.

Looking back at yesterday, we created more memories.

And I really need the prayers to continue for the job situation as there's another ripple, as a management job opened at the newspaper that several reps have told me I should put in for. I'm going to because I want to sit back and watch God open and close doors. I'm just not sure they'll know before I make have to make the decision regarding the other job.