Thursday, February 19, 2009

Off to Minnesota

Well tomorrow night, or I should Friday morning at 1:30 am our flight leaves for MN. We are actually on "positive space" tickets, though it looks like there are plenty of seats open and I'm kind of kicking myself for using Brother Nowling's positive space when we may not have needed to, it will feel so good to know we don't have to wonder IF were going to get on the flight or not. And we don't have to go from gate to gate to gate with the same wonder. I hate red eye flights, but hopefully I'll come home eat, back a carry on and lay down for a couple hours. I'm one that can usually sleep, or doze any way, on a plane but I'm in a middle seat as to sit next to my husband as he has to have an aisle seat. Jessa's going to ask to work that flight, and if she can get us an empty row, that would be so cool. Or you know what would be better yet, would be first class. I better wake up and stop dreaming. Anyway, it'll be so nice to get away as I haven't left Anchorage since September. That still seems so strange as when we were in WI we would go somewhere at least one weekend a month. It'll be great to see my dad (it's my dad's birthday) and brother, my mother-in-law and hopefully Brother Nowling's nephew and family. And then to see our dear friends the Thompson. We love this family. Brother Nowling will be preaching Sunday morning in Princeton and I'll be preaching Sunday night. I am really excited for the whole weekend.

On another note, it's official, I'm going to England for the mission trip. I paid for my ticket. Ouch, $1100. I've struggled recently about going because of Jessa's wedding. I had committed to going before she became engaged. I knew I could probably back out, but I got the days off work and that was such a miracle. I just truly feel like I'm suppose to go. But it was always hanging in the back of my head that maybe I shouldn't be spending the money. At the time I committed I bringing in some good commission checks, but that's a thing of the past. But there's no turning back now. I'll be flying standby (or positive space to Seattle)on April 8th and then flying from Seattle to Detroit and meeting up with the team, going from there to Amsterdam and then Birmingham. Then on the 18th fly from London to Detroit, Detroit to Chicago (that legs by myself) and then standby to Anchorage. It seems real now that I have my passport and have paid for my ticket (reality will really hit when I receive my tickets).

The girls were going to go on a sister trip to Hawaii. Joleesa was so excited and they She was devastated. I talked to Brother Nowling and he said why don't I go. Yeah right, there is no way I could get more time off. Then it hit me, it's only Thursday through Monday. He doesn't work Thursday through Saturday so he just needed to get coverage for Sunday and Monday. Those two have such similar likes so they'll really enjoy the time together and when she flies with him, she doesn't have to pay. So it's going to be a father daughter trip now. He's already got Sunday covered. I think they're both really excited, although I think some of Joleesa's friends can't understand approved her time off work only to have Jessa and Jenna say they just couldn't afford it. why she would want to go with her dad (sad world). They both also are apprehension of flying for the first time over the ocean ~ they'll have calm each other ~smile.

In other news the girls I went shopping last night for bridesmaids dresses and Jessa's wedding dress. I've struggled with the idea of Jessa getting a different wedding dress as she already bought one several years ago and she had really loved that dress. It was too big at that time, but now it would need altering the other way as she has filled out more and can't quite zip all the way. That's what she was going to do but changed her mind. I was really upset at first as it's wasted money (even if I wasn't paying for the new dress). But finally I had to let it go and she did choose a beautiful dress (and it has bow under the bodice like the bridesmaids dresses). If I remember right, I think it's costing the same amount as the other dress. So anyway, she's going to put it on Craig's list and I'm going to put in the paper and hopefully we can sell it and put the money towards the wedding.

Well I need to get to bed. You may not hear from me for a few days ~ oh that's right ~ that's no different then any other week.


Momma Tammi said...

Hope you have a marvelous trip.

Vicki Smith said...

Hope your trip is GREAT and you get to see everyone you'd planned on seeing.
I think is GREAT that Brother Nowling and Joleesa would go on a trip together. What memories! That is just really, really neat.