Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Brother Nowling had a Root Canal

Please pray for Brother Nowling, he had a root canal today and is a lot of pain. He has infection as well so to say the least he is not doing too good.

I am pretty frazeled from work as more people are quitting...yikes! I covering service tonight due to his mouth not working.

It's been only 10 degrees today...cold. It's all those people that start decorating for Christmas before halloween, it makes weather think it has to be cold.

Gotta run!!!


Vicki Smith said...

Sorry I didn't see this post yesterday. I hope Brother Nowling's feeling better and that your service went well last night.

Keep your light twinkling at work. This can be a prime opportunity to be a witness for Christ. I'm praying for you!

Jessa Stephens said...

Love you mom! I've been praying!!!!