Sunday, October 05, 2008

My week and weekend

The week was very stressful at work. When 47 people get laid off that means more work for those that remain. I feel I'll never be on top of things, but I am so grateful that I still have a job.

We were able to purchase a Kirby vacuum cleaner and shampooer. With all the money we've put into carpet cleaning and cheap vacuums we decided this was an investment that we needed to make. We had owned a re-built one years ago that served us well and with all the traffic that we get here on a light colored carpeting we really needed. So Saturday was cleaning day. It was the first Saturday that Brother Nowling was at home and not sleeping. In the past our bedroom has been very neglected. Working opposite shifts means someone is almost always in the bed. So being he didn't have to sleep we planned a thorough cleaning in our room. We cleaned out closet, shoe bins, draws, stripped the bed and took our vacuum to the actual mattress (recommended by the Kirby salesperson-as he puts it, it's place with the most dust mites because of the dead skin and no one thinks to vacuum it). It almost seemed like we had a new mattress. We vacuumed the drapes, the pictures the corners, the bookshelves, my stuffed animals, my porcelain dolls, anything that had collected dust got vacuumed. I was sneezing like crazy. We brought out the flannel sheets and our winter comforter and we sorted and put away laundry. The only thing we didn't do that I really wanted to, was re-arrange our bedroom. Brother Nowling said he like it as it was, but I don't think he'd have admitted it if he didn't because he doesn't like to move furniture around. But that was ok, we really accomplished a lot in our room.

From there we headed out run errands. We stopped for lunch and then headed over to the Ulu Factory. We had bought an Ulu for them when they were here and they used ours, and were so sold on them that they bought several as souvenirs. Now they are wanting more for Christmas gifts so they called in an order of I think 13 Ulus and asked if we could pick them up and mail them to them as the factory wanted to charge $8/Ulu for off. Of course we would, and I just remembered it at about 3 pm yesterday and I didn't know when they closed. So we booked it from the restaurant and they had them all ready for us. We too got another "bigger" Ulu per Brother Nowling's request and a beautiful metal state of Alaska key rack. We then headed home for me to study some more for our youth Bible study. I just love Brother Covey's "Delving into the Depths". If yo haven't read, you really need to. About 40 minutes before the study, my youngest brother called just sobbing. I tried to stay calm, trying to pull out of him what was wrong...he as quickly as he could told me dad was ok, so then I was just patient to let him get his composure and then talk. He really needs our prayers. He is the one that is really trying to be there for dad. He lives about 3 hours from the nursing home, but since my mom passed away he goes to see dad every Sunday and calls him every night. Dad does fine during the day but has a difficult time in the evenings and weekends as there's nothing for him to do and he's pretty much stuck in his room. Bottom line, between all the hours Kelly's been working and his feeling the loss of our mom, coupled with his trying to be there for dad, he was overwhelmed and rightfully so. He is not married, and though has come back to the Lord doesn't have a close church family either, so he has no one to share the burden with. So he needs our prayers as does dad. I sent the Jenna, Joleesa, Jackie and Josh on to Micah's and told them to start eating and I would be there as quickly as I could for the study. I felt like I had to be there for my brother, and I wanted to be. I still had to cut him off about 7:30 pm but by that time hopefully he had felt some relief. I then went to the study, came home and continued getting ready for church.

Then of course we had church today. It was good to have Jeremy, Heather, and Lillian out. This next week will be preparing for minister's convention and revival with Brother Byers. We still haven't to finish the sandwich boards that will be our signs outside and then we want to get our mission wall done.

So that was my life this past week. Everyone have a great week.


Vicki Smith said...

I've had my ulu for about 10 years. I'd hate to be without it. I love it.
Hope you can get caught up a little at work and not feel so overwhelmed. That's got to be a tough situation.

J Nowling said...

We rarely use a knife any more. Jody bought the bigger one so it's easier to cut up meat.

By the way Jody pointed out that I never said who ordered the Ulus...the Williams.

As far as my job goes, it doesn't look to promising that the load will get lighter. They are out sourcing our graphic work to India. I forsee us getting to where it is all done over there. They outsourced circulation about a year ago. I guess it provides work for them, but mean while the atmosphere is very strange. We are constantly wondering who will be next.