Sunday, October 05, 2008

It's Snowing!!!!

I know there are those that are rejoicing...but it's only October. Not even halloween. No snow, no snow not yet. I can't even say it's pretty because it's tooooooooo early!


The Middle J said...

its Slushing out- lol- this wont stay

connie said...

Here in Bethel, we always hope that the ice is thick enough by Isaiah's birthday to be able to have an ice skating party. Sometimes we get it and sometimes we don't. I know Nathan will be so happy if there is snow in Anchorage when we get there later this week.

connie said...

Oops! I forgot to mention his birthday is October 30. The end of the month, so is that winter enough time wise?

J Nowling said...

I like winter...but just not 9 months of it ~ smile. Ice skating in October could be fun though as it wouldn't be so bitterly cold.