Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mt Redoubt Volcano

First let me thank you for your prayers. Both Brother Nowling and I are feeling much better. I slept real sound last night and it felt good.

Now for my title. Mt Redoubt is a volcano that has been having a lot of rumblings and the snow is all melted on top of it. Seismologist are saying that they expect to erupt within days. Mt Redoubt is only 103 miles from Anchorage on the Cook Inlet. The last time it erupted was 1990 and much damage was caused and lives even lost. The ashes from the volcano is supposedly like glass. People are encouraged to have goggles and masks on hand. They are saying we are to be prepared to cover all vents and if driving to immediately when it takes place to immediately to turn off your car. I'm not one to easily be scared. I have had tornado sirens go off and tornadoes hit around us and not really been afraid. I don't know why this has me really concerned. I think maybe it's because it's something I'm not familiar with, have not been around and haven't talked to anyone who does. So do I go out and buy the supplies that they are telling us too. Home Depot sold 100s of the masks. The military gave them out to Heather and Jeremy. So I really think I need to take this serious. I at first told Jody not to get worked up over it and his comment was "I don't want to be caught with my pants down". I do think maybe God would want us to use wisdom and be prepared. No matter how prepared we are we still need God's protection. Another thing that bothers me is whenever I have thought of a volcano I have thought of the scripture "that hell is enlarging herself". It's really an erie thought. Please do pray for us and all of Alaska.


Momma Tammi said...

We'll definitely be praying!

Tammy K. said...

wow... we will be praying

Netty said...

Praying. We've got room at our house if ya need to get away for awhile.

Jessa Stephens said...

ahhhh man.........i'm not sure now, whats worse being there or being away. Another's REALLY bad for anything in the sky......scary.............

Love you lots!!!! Praying!!!!!! LOTS!!!!!!!!!

J Nowling said...

Nothing new on the volcano. I spoke to a couple different people at work that have experienced the volcanos and they say do get the masks and the air filter for your car because it has been needed before. So we'll see.

cokelady said...

Oooooooh, spooky! It will be a great story to tell to your grandkids some day--and have the goggles and masks to prove it! ;-)

We'll pray for your safety and peace of mind.