Tuesday, March 03, 2009

25 Random things

Jessa tagged me some time ago but I haven't done it...so here we go:

1. I'm tired of being sick.
2. This nasty bug thinks he's taken up residence in our house.
3. I am sooooooo ready for summer (Alaska doesn't see Spring~they experience break up).
4. I love Alaska.
5. I've lived in 6 states.
6. I'm going to England in April ~ yippee.
7. I'm next to the youngest of 7.
8. I would like to be Christian Youth Counselor some day. Yeah right!
9. I love Italian food.
10. I'm looking forward to being a grandma some day.
11. I am really looking forward to camp this year. The Griffins are coming and they're going to be teaching classes on "relationships".
12. I love to plan things.
13. I wish I would've been more physically active when I was a youth.
14. My husband loves candles.
15. My favorite color is peach.
16. I love playing games.
17. I love teaching.
18. I can't imagine life without my Lord.
19. I feel like I missed out on something special by not having a son (girls I love you very much, but I have enough love for son). I'm greatful that God has put young men in my life that have treated me good. All the more reason I look forward to son-in-laws.
20. I am so glad my girls moved to Alaska with us and don't mind being around us (most the time).
21. I love The Church of God.
22. I brought work home but I don't feel like doing it.
23. My favorite time of the year is autumn (but it's too short and my husband ruins it for me by reminding constantly it means winter and cold is right behind it).
24. I am looking forward to the "inflow".
25. This is harder than I thought.


Vicki Smith said...

It IS harder than you'd think, isn't it? It would be completely impossible if it weren't for the word "random." ;-)

Jessa Stephens said...

I had to laugh at that last one! That was interesting to read!!

Jessa Stephens said...

OH! I would have commented sooner if Levi hadn't banned me from MY blog.... =) Glad you did it though!!