Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ash on the ground in Homer

It's getting closer to home. The volcano erupted twice ths morning. One went 20,000feet into the air, the other 65,000 feet. Ash has landed on Homer and a warning is out for the Kenai pennisula. All flights in and out of Alaska has been cancelled. So I'm so grateful that none of us got stuck in the air when it happened or at another airport. So far nothing here in Anchorage.

But please, please pray. I leave for England on April 8th. This has got to settle down so I can get out. The team is depending on me in their plans and I have a lot of money invested in the airline tickets. I'm not sure how all that would work as my tickets do not start or end in Anchorage as I would be flying part way on standby or positive space through Alaska Air. They're saying this could go on for months. God knows and it's in His hands, but I could use the prayers to help to trust Him ~ smile.