Monday, March 02, 2009

The Decision

I didn't take the job with Mr. Wong. It was a very difficult decision and I kept crying out to God to make it clear. As rotten as I felt Saturday, I went down to the Alaska Craft show at the Fur Rondy celebration. This was a very big event for Mr Wong's business. His staff were so friendly and treated me great, initially confusing me. Then as I stood outside waiting for Jody to come pick me up (I had him drop me off so we wouldn't have to find parking and he went and visited Sister Texter). I prayed and prayed for direction. Jody came and we went to the Alaska Experience Theatre Earthquake movie and the Alaska movie. While we were waiting we visited with more of the staff and I learned even more and it really helped me. And it was really good for Jody to hear it too. I then asked him to pleeeease tell me what he thought. He said he felt like I needed to stay where I'm at. There are a lot of problems within the business and current management put in mega hours. I don't want to be married to my job. Mr Wong didn't even wait for me to call him, he called me on Sunday. (Another fear that my weekends wouldn't be mine). He was very understanding and ended the call with God bless you and maybe the next time you'll take me up on my offer...ugh. He sure doesn't give up. Any way, so I let people know that I wasn't leaving and everyone was thrilled and my bosses comment was that I won't regret it.

As far as how I'm feeling. Though I've not fuly recovered I definitely felt better today, but by late afternoon I was losing my voice and I was really dragging. But I made it through. Jessa is sick again (I don't think she ever got better) and now Jody, Joleesa and Jenna are fighting it. I want to evict this bug from our home. I feel like our house is so germ infested. Ugh!

Oh we are now getting 10 1/2 hours of daylight. Until you've experienced only about 5 hours of light, where you will go 5 days a week and never see daylight you'll know how much to appreciate it. It is so great to see the sun...oh how that sounds spiritually too.


Vicki Smith said...

It "feels" like you made the wise decision. I trust the Lord will continue to guide you.
I'm sorry you guys are still sick. Keep taking regular doses of God's medicine--prayer and Bible reading. It works SO MUCH BETTER than anything else.