Sunday, November 26, 2006

Decorating For Christmas

Tradition has been that we decorate for Christmas the evening of Thanksgiving. As you've already read, we didn't do it as we didn't have a tree. We weren't sure what we were going to do for tree; that is go real or artificial. The real trees wouldn't be really fresh (and I really hate needles everywhere), but an artificial can get costly and we'd have to find a place to store it. Well once again GOD IS GOOD,He resolved the dilemma for us. Brother Tim Osborne said Wednesday night that his neighbor had just given him an artificial tree and he was wanting to know if we wanted it. I was concerned about size as we just don't have much room already and I like to enjoy the Christmas tree and wouldn't be able to if the tree crowded us even more. He said he'd bring it over and we could decide. IT IS A GORGEOUS artificial tree (bigger than I had planned-probably about 7'). I was thinking I'd have to go with a 4 1/2' tree. But it's fine. Friday night, we(Joleesa was the only one that loved me enough to help me--love you Jody, Jessa and Jenna)the computer desk into the kitchen. I figured when we sit at the table I could pull the table out and we'd be ok. Then we took the rocker chair and made room for it in our bedroom. All and all it opened up lots more space in the living room and everyone seems to like the computer in the kitchen and it forced us to rearrange our bedroom so now Brother Nowling has a little corner of the house that is his for studying (I just need to get a magazine rack for him to put his books in so they're not sitting on MY dresser...ugh; I just clean and it's piled with his study books).

Back to the tree...the tree has both long a short needles. I've never seen anything like it. It's really full, and though you can tell its fake, it's really pretty. Saturday evening as we (all three of the girls did decorate it)were decorating we found ourselves saying "what about this decoration or that one", only for me to remember I left it behind because of the need to "downsize". So I don't have as much decorations as we're use to, but it's enough. I love our stocking and piano area. Years ago my mother-in-law purchase this scroll-like decoration that says "peace on earth" and some green pine w/pointsetta lights. For years I have made an arrangement on the piano with it and this year it looks as good as ever. Above the area where our piano sits is a cut out square so you can look into the kitchen. We had a swag hanging there, I took down the swag and Joleesa hung the stockings. It's almost as good as fireplace (yeah right). I do like it though. It is pretty and quaint at the same time.

I had one more dilemma, our washer/dryer is in our kitchen with a shower curtain to close it off from the room. Well the shower curtain really clashed with the Christmas decor and Joleesa asked if we could find a Christmas one. So Brother Nowling and I went out before church this morning (we needed our Starbucks and some groceries anyway)and looked at Fred Meyer but there weren't any. We didn't have time for Walmart and I actually did alot of shopping yesterday and didn't feel like doing Walmart again. dawned on me, I could turn my table cloth (that I wasn't using cuz it was too big for this table)that matched my placemats that I had out into a curtain. I don't own a sewing machine anymore but by using a table cloth versus just material, the edges are already finished and all I had to do was make some holes for the hooks. Ta da...I now have a matching curtain that adds to the Christmas festivity.

I am sitting in the living right now with the lap top. Brother Nowling snoring on beside me on the love seat, Brother Tim snoring on the couch and girls being slugs in their rooms. I'm loving the lights twinkling, fading and chasing each other amongst the oranaments, tinsel and white garland (the white garland is definitely a new experience for me but we left our garland behind and either garland's not used much or is used a lot as we went to several stores and either couldn't find any or didn't have much to choose from. So we decided to try white; though it's different, I'm actually embracing it). The pointsetta lights giving a glow on the "Peace on Earth" sign, and another accomplishment, my rainlight actually working. I had not gotten any mineral oil for my rain lamp and although it's been hanging; I haven't had it on since we moved it and this morning we actually got some mineral oil and it made the move beautifully. Then in the window we have a Season Greeting sign that's changing from one Christmas color to another. It's great actually. There is one thing missing and that's Christmas music. I would put it on my lap top with earphones but the sound card has gone out on our lap top and I don't want to disturb the sleep!

I so do love the Christmas season.

God is Good!


Rebekah Doran said...
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Rebekah Doran said...

You describe it very well, it would be fun to see a picture of it all. Maybe Jenna can take and post one for you.

Momma Tammi said...

Sounds absolutely wonderful!

J Nowling said...

I'm sure she'll take some pictures and either post them here or on her blog. I can sit with the lights off and enjoy the lights of Christmas forever.