Tuesday, November 07, 2006

WOW! sniff, sniff, I Love It!

OK Micah you out did yourself. If I would've told you what I wanted, this is it. Last night when I picked Joleesa up at 9 pm I picked Micah up. As the girls wanted to spend a little time with him before he left for Bethel and Jessa and Josh were both sleeping. I told him he'd have to spend the night because I wasn't going back out in the cold to take him home(and I knew it wouldn't be a problem). Anyway, I've been after Jenna to change my background but she's been busy with other things and she THINKS I couldn't LEARN to do it myself if someone showed me (maybe not, depends on how much I want to think). So I handed Micah my lap top and said surprise me. Micah was the one that did my very first blog. I didn't give him any hints. I think he may have stayed up the night working on it as Brother Nowling got up in the middle of the night to open our door (as it was sooo hot with the furnace going) and he heard someone and called out and Micah answered. These young people sure get their nights and days mixed up...oh that sounds like I'm talking about a new born baby ~tee hee.

Wow, my blog name is NEVER THE LESS, NOT MY WILL, BUT THINE and this background depicts what His will was for us. ALASKA. Thank you Micah. The cold we've been experiencing, the large city (traffic and one way streets), the small duplex vs a house with a full basement, the lack of food that we're use, and higher prices some times cause me to whine, or "murmur". But God is good. His will is perfect. The people here in Alaska and His creation all around us is worth it. And Joleesa this is home and someday we'll feel as comfortable and safe here as we did in Menomonie. All in due time.


Momma Tammi said...

WOW! I love the background. I also second the sentiments at the end of this post.

Hershey Bar said...

This is soo awesome, Love it!

Vicki Smith said...

I, too, LOVE the background. It's SOOO Alaska! Micah did a great job. And I'm loving Jaclyn's moose-kissing picture. :-)

Rebekah Doran said...

Wow! Micah your awsome! You did such a goodd job!