Friday, November 03, 2006


My boss volunteered my station for the Ergonomics team and they were thrilled. It wa team of interns and a couple of stations from each department was part of the trainging. I apparently was a challenge. The desk was built in that location; not your average desk. Too high for the normal chair. The computer keyboard had a tray that pulls out, tilts, and has a mouse tray. When I first started my neck and shoulders hurt terrably using the mouse tray. I was sitting too far away, too low, etc. Anyway after an hour of watching me work and measuring me. The tray was brought back, moved over and tilted the opposite direction. The mouse tray was moved down and over. My chair was moved down, the monitor moved closer and over. File cabinet brought in to get accordian files off the floor and do away with portable moving file, files were moved from behind the monitor (I was reaching a lot). The most strange part, the area where I do my paper work was raised with an 8" platform and I'm to stand at it. My chair had been raised so high that I found myself standing frequently anyway because I had to step on my tip toes to get into my chair and have a foot stool under my feet because they didn't touch the floor. So we'll see. It definitly forced me to get organized as I've just not had the time to prior. My station has gotten raised eyebrows, laughs and heads shaking but I promised I'd try it. My neck and shoulders hurt a little bit; I think they need to bring my monitor up a little. I think the ergo team is still around tomorrow so they can check out why my shoulders and neck hurt. I really was afraid to have anything changed because I wasn't having problems any more.

God has helped me so many times on the job. I have made major errors that could've cost the company big bucks but every single time...I was saved. I have felt the hand of God when things have got really hectic and I have felt overwhelmed.

Next week Sister Texter (Sister Grant's mother) is going to meet me for lunch. I am soooo looking forward to time with her. I really want to spend some time with Sister Grant too.

Well I've rambled enough. God bless


Tammy Washburn said...

My chiropractor was involved in a ergonomic workstudy and he says the best working position is standing more, instead of sitting all day. They are forcing you to stand more.

J Nowling said...

Yes they are and it definitely is a good thing as otherwise I could probably sit about 80% of the day. I don't mind it. I just gotta figure out how to work with customers when they come in...I'll basically have to move the platform. That'll work though as they have get a visitors pass and we get called before they come up so it'll give me time.

Momma Tammi said...

Wow! I'm glad that my work area isn't quite so complicated as your's! YIKES!