Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Holy Ghost did the ministering Sunday Night

I need to start out by saying Sunday morning there was a heavy spirit in our midst. Brother Nowling preached "Peace Be Still" reminding us if we keep Him with us He'll calm us or the storm. But to remember it takes wind to move the sailboat so if the winds are calm we have to pull out the oars and start working. Think about it!

Sunday night was Sister Jessa's missionary service. She told me she wanted worship songs. Explicitly worship songs. She was wanting to do them acapalla because she wanted to worship but decided to play anyway. The Holy Ghost was bowing us before Him as we lifted Him up. EVERYONE was worshipping. Jessa was at the piano and I knew she wanted to let go and worship so before I turned it to her I asked the ladies to stand and pray...pray they did, all heaven opened and there wasn't a soul that wasn't being ministered to and it wasn't by any man or woman, but by the Spirit, Itself. It was wonderful.

Brother Kevin Brown was here with the girls basketball team that he coaches and his voice added in worship was glorious.

Have I said lately GOD IS GOOD!

Please pray for Brother Texter (Sis Grant's father), he's having problems with his kidneys.


Momma Tammi said...

Praise the Lord for His presence in your service! He is so very GOOD!

Vicki Smith said...

We'll be praying for Brother Texter.

So glad to hear of your blessed service. God is meeting with His people in such a sweet way these days. Praise be to God!