Monday, November 06, 2006

Feeling Old!!!

This weekend I finally went shopping for a winter coat as my Columbia coat doesn't fit any more (so Jenna get's it...she won't buy it because she really doesn't like purple~shakes head). Josh and Joleesa were with me and I made the mistake (I think it was a mistake) in asking how different ones looked. Their comment on the first two was "it looks like something my grandma would wear". Ooookay! I'm not that old so let's try another one...this is all after going to about 5 stores by myself. Anyway I did find one that according to the girls is "so me" ~smile.

Then we went ice skating. I love doing that kind of stuff but I haven't the kids asked how many years and I said ummmm maybe 30-35, I really felt old. I was determined to try but not be foolish and kill myself so my precious little girl cared enough to always be there helping me. Between Micah and Tim I got to "say" I skated (they mostly just pulled me around). I told Joleesa I absolutely was going to make it with both feet moving. I did it to, but then I was done. Oh by the way, I only fell twice, right at first once by myself and once with Tim. When Tim tried to help me up, I was laughing so hard he was having a difficult time. I'm sure Jenna will be posting pictures of our afternoon on the ice. Though I felt kind of felt good and I enjoyed myself and I appreciate our young people for not minding having me around.