Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Alaska Airlines x 3 and a Prayer Request

Jessa and Jenna both have interviews tomorrow morning at 8:45 a.m. for the customer service agent. Jody interviews with them Thursday at 11 am for ramp agent. Wouldn't that be something if ALL three of them got on. Who knows what the Lord has in His plans for them. As most of you know Jody has been driving the bulk drop for Fed Ex to the Kenai off and on for several weeks. Well the man who owns the route, sister-in-law is the Human Resource Supervisor for Alaska Airlines. God's will be done.

Please pray for my co-worker Ronada. She has had colon problems. This weekend she had major bleeding and had to have a transfusion of 2 pints of blood. She wasn't at work yesterday as she slept 18 hours. Today she looked so pale and was basically drained. She's only 30 and is really struggling. She is planning on coming to our ladies retreat. Please, please pray for her.