Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Jody's Leaving Me.....

For two weeks. He has to do his training in Seattle and leaves out Sunday afternoon. This is not nice. We have not been a way from each like that for YEARS. I hate it, hate it, hate it. He thinks he'll be able to fly home on the weekend. I have to be careful not to say too much because he is stressed enough and I know he doesn't want to be gone either. It'll be wierd having him gone....I just want to cry! You can't go, you can't go. I know, I'm pathetic but I don't care. It never fails too, when he's gone things go wrong. Real optimistic aren't I. It is wierd as he doesn't care to fly either.

I feel rotten today. I went to bed feeling fine but woke up at 2:30 am with a terrific sore throat then when I got up at 7 am my throat, my head, my chest, they all hurt. It came on me that quickly. I still went to work, as my co-worker still isn't doing well physically (please continue to pray for Ronada).

I've got so much to do this week and I don't feel like doing any of it.


Vicki Smith said...

I'm trying to be sympathetic, but the best I can come up with is, "Oh, cry me a river." *giggling* My husband is flying to Argentina on Friday. He won't be home for Easter. I'll spend Easter all alone--I don't have a single relative within 1,000 miles. *sob, sob* And I bet my husband hates flying at LEAST as bad, if not WORSE than your husband! So there! At least you have a child living in the same house with you, and 2 more in the same town. It could be worse, you know!
(Now, what was the nasty comment you made about me on my birthday???) *tee hee*

J Nowling said...

Ouch! Here I am almost in tears and Sister Smith is being so heartless ~ grin. Actually it wouldn't be so bad if he was going on a mission trip or something for the Church (but then I'd want go with him).

Oh by the way, I still stand by my birthday comment ~ tee hee

Tammy Washburn said...

Oh wow! Michael and the kids were going to BTI one year together. I am such a hermit by nature (that even though I love my husband and children) I was really looking forward to spending two weeks ALL ALONE!!! Well it didn't happen, 'cause the car broke down and the kids went by themselves.

Look at it this way...just do all the things you've always wanted to do yourself, but couldn't 'cause you had to look after someone else. Stock up on plenty of chocolate, frozen pizzas movies & books...two weeks will pass quicker than you realize!

And anyway...distance makes the heart grow fonder. You'll be honeymooning in two weeks :)

Unknown said...

Now, I'm not married, but I do understand distance.

And with how much I hate being away from Micah right now, I can only imagine how much harder it would be and will be when married.

I'm crying with you, Sis Nowling.

See you in a couple of weeks!

Vicki Smith said...

I'm with Sister Tammy. Back when the kids were home I looked forward all year to hunting season because that's when the kids and Brother Smith went to his folks' house in the mountains and I got to stay home ALL ALONE! I could stay up reading or watching a movie as late as I wanted, I could sleep in as late as I wanted, I didn't have to worry about cooking meals--it was totally "ME" time. Later on the kids were gone and married and once my in-laws passed away I was needed to go cook for the hunters. That was fun, too, but I really missed my time all alone. I almost always traveled with my husband when he was gone in the ministry. Now it looks like I'll be getting way MORE alone-time than I'd care for. I'll seldom, if ever, get to travel outside the country with my husband, unless we come into a bunch of $$$. But, like Paul said, "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."

Unknown said...

and anyone who has been involved in a pastoring family has learned to take that last verse literally.. in whatsoever STATE...


Lord, I am content!

J Nowling said...

I have never been one to enjoy being alone. It drives me crazy. But I'm ok really.

The Middle J said...

None of us are to happy about him going... dad has never had to travel alone. When we were little we would argue over who got to go with him.

We would all love to go with him now but not gonna happen...in the meantime we are without our dad for 2 weeks :(