Friday, December 29, 2006

Alyeska, snowboarding and visiting with Sister Annette

No, I didn't go snow boarding, but Joleesa did. She got her first lesson from Matthew Peter. I had to take a day off work as we're suppose to get our birthday off but we were too busy for them to let me have off. Then I have to work around my bosses schedule as he is also over our Kenai office and has had some quit there so he's having to be gone on Friday, Monday and Tuesday and we're suppose to take it within 30 days of our b-day. Anyway, Matthew had said when we first got here he would show Joleesa how to snow board but it hadn't happened. She has to get 90 hours of physical ed in by January 15th with it's goal as to learn to enjoy to winter sports...she has maybe about 12 hours in so we need to push to get her some hours so Matthew was more than happy to take us (Joleesa and I) up kind of last minute yesterday. Now remember, Joleesa loves the hot summer days, and the water AND is afraid of heights like her dad. It was BEAUTIFUL day, it started out raining but turned to snow as we pulled in, picture perfect. Once I paid out the big bucks for the lifts and her rental I decided not to get me tram tickets and I just stayed at the bottom of the pony hill and watched. They went up the lifts and Matthew tried to keep her thinking about other things but I guess the first time she hyperventalated but the second time she enjoyed the beauty. I brought a book to read but never opened it and watched the people and enjoyed being outdoors. After many falls and a couple of wipe outs she found herself staying up and going down. I got some pictures on Matthew's camera that I'll have to see if I can post. All and all she enjoyed it but, she said she'd rather have boards on the bottom of her feet, behind a boat and in 90 degree weather. She's pretty sore to say the least. But she got several hours to add to phy ed and she had a new experience and I enjoyed a relaxful day surrounded by a winter wonderland of mountains. Thank you Matthew! He's quite the snowboarder even though he never got the time to go up the summit. Next time.

After taking Joleesa to work I met Sister Annette at Village Inn for supper. Just the two of us. It was great. Two hours of visiting with my sister, just her and I. How much better could it get. A great ending to a relaxful day.

Have a great day.

Oh by the way, I'm NOT giving a way any of Ulus~smile.


Momma Tammi said...

How are you doing? I know that last night had to be a rough night for you two. Let me know if I can do anything. Love you!