Saturday, December 30, 2006

Joleesa's Results

After blood tests, urine tests and multiple xrays they sent Joleesa home with strong pain medicine saying she has a strained back. We pushed for answers for her persistent back pains and got nothing. I know the Lord's able to heal and if there was something and He healed through the prayers, AWESOME, but if not what's the problem? I'm afraid what this all is going to cost as my insurance has a high deductible so it'll all be on us. Then on top of that it was December 29th so the dollars will be washed out in two days anyway as the new year starts. If I only had some answers the frustration of the cost wouldn't be so great but I feel we're still where we were when we enter the doors in the first place. I hate myself for even be concerned about because I'm grateful at the same time they didn't find anything. Does that make any sense at all. Any way, thanks for the prayers. Please continue to pray for her back and Jenna's shoulder. God created them in the first place he can heal them.

Also, please pray for Brother Nowling and myself today. We are dealing with some things that we need God to guide us in.


Momma Tammi said...


Tammy Washburn said...

Praying for Joleesa. I also highly recommend a chiropractor. Chiropractors actually have to have more years of medical school than a regular doctor.

J Nowling said...

We had her to a chiropractor in Menomonie and they told us it was her posture. I'm not sure where, or what we'll do next. Other than pray!

Vicki Smith said...

God bless you guys. I haven't been around BlogLand much lately. I'm sorry to hear (read) about your problems. I'll be praying. Trust in the Lord. He ALWAYS knows what He's doing and He's in control. Keep your eyes on Him.