Monday, December 18, 2006

Busy, Busy, Busy

Ok I was worn out before I ever got to work. I was up at 6:30 a.m. to make my soup for the pot luck. It wouldn't have been so bad but my crock pot wasn't big enough. Then I had to make two trips to the car and wound up forgetting my purse! I recognized when I stopped at the Holiday station to get bowls, as I wasn't sure they'd have it at work. Couldn't get them! No purse. Oh well, I was pretty one of the many men would be going out to pick up something for the pot luck and I would just have them get some and pay them back. I didn't have to. The lady in charge of the pot luck saw soup on the sign up sheet and bought some. How great was that. Anyway, I then parked out front so that I could bring my soup up the two flights using the elevator. Went back to the car and parked in the employee parking lot and went up again. They moved me into a different desk over the weekend so I had to move all my stuff. By 10 am I was ready for bed. But the soup was a hit.

We had a Chinese Auction. We did $15 gifts and I got a $10 gift card for Coldstone (my favorite ice cream) and a moose ornament.

I should wrap gifts but my arm is really hurting (I broke my elbow as a kid and had many surgeries on it through Shriner's hospital). I don't know if it's all the wrapping or the weather (it's been snowing all day), although it's been hurting since Saturday. I could really use your prayer for my arm. It's my right arm and it gets so bad I can't even pick things up some times.

Anyway, maybe I'll just do a couple gifts we'll see.

Sis. Tammi - Brother Nowling says he won't invoke man law any more until after Christmas~big smile. You saw it in print. We'll see! wink


Momma Tammi said...

I'll be praying for your arm.

Tell Bro. Nowling, "Promises, promises!" ~giggle~

Vicki Smith said...

Hey, Sister Jada! I apologize for my LONG absence from BlogLand. A lot has changed in the past couple of weeks! Like your template, for one. *wink* It's very pretty, but I miss Pooh Bear. *giggle*

It sounds like all of us female-types have been struggling with out of control emotions in recent weeks. But God is in charge of EVERYTHING and He ALWAYS supplies our needs and He ALWAYS knows what's best for us. He's building character in us. *wink* We're going to be a part of a perfect Church one day and it will be worth it all when we see Christ! AMEN!