Saturday, December 09, 2006

Thanks For the Prayers

I am feeling much better to say the least. My mouth still has a lot of canker sores in it and I feel a little pressure in my sinuses but other than that I feel fine.

Today was a rough day at work. Over the 3 months I have been at this job I have made several mistakes. The problem is when I make a mistake, as my bosses bosses boss says, it's the number of 0s behind my mistakes that makes the difference. I handle National accounts like Sears, Penneys, Alaska Airlines, grocery stores and they run ads worth 10's of thousands of dollars. Today I was dealing with the credit manager and accounts that are having rate disputes. Some from back before I came and some since. Bottom of line, one is holding back $40,000 in payment until it's cleared up. It was just one after another hitting me. Until I once again was asking if I was in over my head. If I was in the right job and so on. Any way, my bosses boss, Mike was tossing a stress ball up in the air and I said "hey I need that" and someone asked why and I said "because I'm really stressed". A little later apparently I was walking down the hall and Mike through the ball at me and it fell short and rolled and actually hit my foot and I didn't even notice it. I was so focused on everything. He came up to me and asked if I was ok. Now, I don't know Mike very well. He's probably in his late twenties to early 30's and seems quite reserved. He went on to say he didn't believe me and asked me what was up. As I began to share a few things, he assured me not worry but then went on to ask what accounts takes up most my time. On the spur of the moment it was hard to respond. He went on to say that he was going to get some of the stuff off my desk as it was unfair to expect anyone to try to handle all that I've been handling. Then went on to ask me how HE could help me at that moment and I assured him I was fine. Mind you this ar 4:30 pm, I go home in an hour. Next thing I saw Mike in with his boss with the door closed. He comes out of there and goes right in my boss, Mark's office and closes the door...of course I was wondering what's up. Sure enough Mark calls me at 5:30 pm (which he frequently does as make sure I don't stay late, not because of overtime, just because he knows I don't take breaks), I answered the phone (we have caller ID for inter-office calls)"I know, I'm leaving" and he said as long as you're still here let's leave you on the clock and come see me". Sure enough Mike told him we need to figure out what we can take off my desk (and Mark's too, that man doesn't have time to breathe). So this weekend I'm suppose to think about what is the most time consuming and they are committed to within the week to relieve me of some things. That doesn't mean everything and anything will go. I know there are some accounts I must handle, but we're going to figure out if I get some of the paper work off my desk or something. They assure me I'm the perfect fit for the position. I tell you, when you can't finish one thing before you have 6 more thrown at you, all on the same deadlines you really begin to wonder.

All in all they're a good bunch to work for and they are really trying to help relieve some of my stress.

Both Brother Nowling and myself jobs have brought lots of stress but we are so greatful that God has provided. We know the longer we are on them the easier things will get. For Brother Nowling, things will let up after the holidays, and for me somewhat too.

Well tomorrow I FINALLY go to get my eyes checked. I haven't had an exam for about 3 years and I know my vision has changed. I have a very difficult time seeing the street signs. I can't read them until I get right up to them. It's been real difficult seeing as I don't know my way around the city. I didn't realize it really until we moved. In Menomonie I never paid any attention to street signs, I knew where I was going. Thankfully I have vision insurance. I probably will have to order the glasses so it'll still be another week or so. I need to get them before I go for my driver's test as I probably wouldn't pass the eye exam. Although, I shouldn't worry, I probably won't pass the written exam. I've had so many people say they had to take it more than once.

After my eye exam, I hope to FINISH up my Christmas shopping and then come home and work on my VLB program for Sunday night. I'm making special gift for each youth and that gift will be a part of our program and then following the service they'll do their gift exchange.

Well I think I'll head to bed. Have a great weekend.


Rachel said...

Hi Sis. Nowling! Don't think I've ever commented on here before, but I think you know me anyhow...

Anyway, when I read about your canker sores, I just had to respond. When I was about 12 I got canker sores ALL THE TIME and the bestest thing for it was gargling salt water. They went away as quickly as they came (the doc thought I was continually exposed to a certain virus that made me get them so much).

Anyway, hope that will help!

Vicki Smith said...

Hey, Sister Jada. This is the first time I've had time to visit your blog in a week or more. *sigh* I missed your birthday and everything! Sorry! Please accept my belated birthday greetings.

We enjoyed getting to visit with your Overseer and he was faithful to extend your greetings to me. I'm glad he could come and help get the new web site changed over and up and running smoothly. He's been a big blessing to TCOG through the years and I admire his integrity.

I'll be Internetless (probably) for the next 9 or 10 days, so I'll have to catch up with you after that. Meanwhile, I hope you're feeling much better and your job is smoothing out.