Monday, December 25, 2006

A Different Sort of Christmas

But All Is Good! Well, we got the girls bedrooms switched around. Well the furniture anyway. Jenna had to work but after Jessa and I picked Joleesa up from work, got some breakfast, We then went to Fred Meyer so Jessa could go to the bank and Joleesa could do some more of her shopping. then we went to work on moving things. We still havent switched their closets. We've got to take the stuff of what was Jenna's closet as to get the boxes out of what was Joleesa's closet and put them down in the crawl space in what is now Joleesa's closet and then they switch their clothes. Did you follow all that. Anyway the rest is up to them to do. They all seemed pleased with it. That is such a HUGE stress off my shoulders. The rest of the night was spent grocery shopping and then getting ready for church Sunday.

I loved our bulletins; I decided to make the inside a birth anouncement saying "IT'S A BOY" and the outside was a design listing the names of Jesus. Sunday School started out very heavy because as we were speaking of peace I knew there were those in our midst that didn't have peace...I broke down crying as I was teaching and asked for this individual to come forward for prayer. What better thing to take place at Christmas and in SS then to have some be released from their struggle and find peace. We had a great season on prayer before even going into the worship service.

I then spent the afternoon with Brother Tim in a marothon of shopping on Christmas Eve... he had asked me to help him and even though I had been saying all along that I would not be in the stores on Christmas eve there I was. And I was exhausted. But we had our Christmas eve candle light service that I was in charge of. The theme was "The Word was Made Flesh...." I had found some readings (short stories) depicting Mary's and Joseph's emotions in dealing with incarnate birth. Along with all that we got to surprise the local church with the Suttons presence. We knew they were going to be there but we kept it surprise for everyone else. All and all the service went well. Jessa ended the service with an awesome job on "Word of God Speaks". Sister Grant had to work so we all headed over to Alaska Airlines to sing caroles for her and her co-workers. She was surprised to see Suttons and she seemed very pleased. From there we went to the only restraunt open in town, TGI Fridays. Suttons were really hungry for steak so it wourk out great.

We were going to go look at Christmas lights but I was exhausted. I hadn't slept good the last two nights. We came home and stayed with our tradition of opening stockings and the gifts of pjs that we always get. I got all the girls Aeropostale pjs and for the first year ever, they all fit and they all loved them. So finally by about midnight we were in bed.

We were'nt going to get up until 8 am but it seems everyone woke up at 7 am or earlier (I had another rotten nights sleep and was awake by 6 am) so we shared the Christmas story had our prayer and called the grandparents. We put them on speaker phone and it seemed like we were together. My parents are in a nursing and they didn't get our package yet (went out the same day as the Adams and my mother-in-law, but they didn't get theirs) bummer. But they were both excited to talk to us. It was good and the tears came but it was ok.

Now, I've put the brisket in and I'm just relaxing (maybe I"ll even take a power namp) until the Suttons come at 2 pm and then Matthew Peter will be here for Christmas dinner at about 5 pm.

Like I said...a different sort of Christmas. But it's been good. Hope everyone else had a great day.


Vicki Smith said...

I had a "different" kind of Christmas, too. I suppose Christmas will never be the same again for us. This was our 6th Christmas since my in-laws death, but it was my first Christmas with no contact with my parents. That's tough to handle, but I'm so grateful for the family I DO have. God is SO GOOD. I'm so glad you got to spend time with the Suttons. I'm happy for them, too!