Saturday, December 23, 2006

Emotional Havoc

It is 2 am and I was asleep but woke up with my pillow wet from my tears. Last night our family was experiencing emotional havoc. This is suppose to be "the most wonderful time of the year". I have made it a point in the past to not allow us to get too stressed. But the enemy is alive and well and doing his thing. Between Jody's long hours and being so phyiscally exhausted, my fast pace at work and being mentally exhausted, and then the girls...You know I don't think it will be as hard to see them leave "the nest" as it is for them to find their way "out of the nest." College or marriage is such an easy way for them to leave but when neither of them happen (especially when they're wanting it too) it's where and how do they do it. Then I have one that is so anxious to leave as soon as she is old enough to and I know where she is going is not a spiritually safe place for her to be.

I thank God that they know Him. I can't imagine how this turmoil would be if they didn't. But are they strong enough to endure the test? Please Lord let them be.

As a mother, how can I help. I feel so lost some times. And some times I just feel I make matters worse. Something as small as trying to give them their own personal space in a small house, and being fair in it, is seeming insurmountable. We need to switch rooms around. My idea of giving the two oldest the smallest so they'd move out sooner...BAD, BAD idea. They want to move out, but it's just not possible at this time. They need the bigger room so they at least have breathing space, forget private, just breathing space. BUT they all want to be present when we do it. Yeah right, with their job schedules, and then we need some muscles, and the muscles that WOULD be available have job schedules too.

I've been thinking a lot about one of the many "gifts" of Christmas that Christ's birth brought. "Peace on earth, goodwill toward men". Right now my spirit cries for peace!

We desire your prayers. We know we're where the Lord wants us to be...but Lord give us peace and help us to find Your way for our family and for our local church.

Christmas still is the most wonderful time of the year!!! Because of it, I'm not sitting here alone. Emmanuel---God with us.


Juls4Him said...

Sister Jada, I can only imagine how it must be. You are probably all just getting to the shock part of the move. The holiday stress can bring it on easily. You all never really even had time to adjust to all of this. I remember with cross country moves how there would be the things you expected to be such a way and usually it was the opposite once you settled. Then things you thought would be bad turned out much better than you thought. It's all a bag of surprises. There are all the dreams and imaginations for each one in the move and then the reality begins to set in and you have to decide how you will cope with each part of that. Add some job stress, holiday stress and just a FEW hormones and oh my! But oh how the Lord will come in with his healing balm and peace knowing you have been obedient. All the temporal issues and things will pass and I know you will all be okay. But don't let down on the prayers for a minute (covering your family as you are). You are so right to keep it ever before the Lord as they prepare to leave the nest. I am praying for your family also and I know all of your prayer buddies are. A very Merry Christmas to you and I know things will be looking better in a couple days because HE is your center. Lots of love, Sis Julie

Momma Tammi said...

Hang in there! Prayers are covering you all!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you now. Will give you a big ole hug tomorrow.