Tuesday, September 19, 2006


This morning I met Mr. Wong (the job I turned down) for breakfast at 6:30 am as he insisted he still wanted to meet me and share with me some more things in case things didn't work out at the newspaper. It was his 84th birthday today and he shared that it's time that he give instead of receiving and his vision for the store buildings he owns is to help rehabilitate native Alaskans that have lost themselves in alcohol by opening up space for them to sale their arts and crafts at a major profit. There's a lot more to it but that is it in a nut shell. I finally came out and asked him why he was so sold on me (he never even called any of my references). He said with my skills and my husband being in the ministry he felt I would be able to share in his vision. WOW! He'll be back in October (he lives in Hawaii) and will be in touch with me to see how things are going for me at ADN. I'll be praying!

My first day started with me going past the office twice...but I was still there 10 minutes early. It was a good day except for those STUPID POINTED SHOES that I thought were comfortable. The building is huge with 2 floors and lots of steps. Of course they gave me a tour and my feet were killing me. I walked stocking foot around the immediate office when I had a chance as my feet just throbbed. Jessa looks are not everything. It'll be flats tomorrow. I'm short, and so what. Other than that everything was good. A lot of it I'm already familiar with. The only thing is the inside sales girl quit recently so I'm actually being trained in for two jobs (I wish the pay reflected that) but it too doesn't seem too bad. The people have stayed with the overall reception we have received from Alaska folks, very friendly. As Brother Nowling keeps saying, they're so friendly you're afraid they're going to give you a hug ~giggle (you've got to get this picture of Brother Nowling and this new acquaintance standing close to him and him inching his way back - not really but that's what I picture). I told my boss about my meeting with Mr. Wong and he said that he can't have me because of my newspaper experience. Anyway, thank the Lord for another good day.

Please pray for Brother Nowling, it turns out this bus driving job is requiring over 40 hours of training without pay and fees that he has to fork out of over
$250 that he won't get reimbursed for. There's other hidden things that makes him question whether he should continue on. He applied on line for two Fed Ex positions tonight so we'll see what the Lord has for him. Also, remember the girls as they try to find jobs.

Have you heard of an unspoken testimony. I want to PTL for a HUGE blessing that we received Sunday night. I can't share the details because we've been asked not to...but have I said lately that GOD IS GOOD!


The Middle J said...

Wait a second- what happened Sunday night?? What blessing?? *pouts* I want to share in on the blessing...

Still confused at why I don't know about this but oh well its one of many things I should be use to it by now

Vicki Smith said...

LOL! Stupid pointy shoes! Face it, Sister Jada, while the "fashion divas" may feel sorry for us when we don't comply with their mold, it's WE who are the smart ones. Any dummy can hypnotically follow the world's trends, but it takes character to take a stand against the craziness. I have a good friend who damaged her feet so badly (because of years of those stupid pointy HIGH heels)that she had surgery this last year. Her foot hasn't healed properly, she is in constant pain, yet she still wears those dumb things! I keep telling her I'm praying that she'll get the victory over those things! Heels are really bad for your feet, legs and back. It's just not NATURAL! I applaud you for "seeing the light" and converting to flats. *tee hee*

J Nowling said...

Sister Smith - I knew better but I was trying to listen to my daughter. A lesson learned. Now I just have to decide if I'm going to give the shoes to her or let them sit in my closet so that I can "I have pointed toe shoes" ~tee hee~

The Middle J said...


just because you don't wear them to work doesnt mean that you can't wear them to church. They are cute shoes and look real nice on you.

I dont know what ya'll are thinking these shoes look like but they aren't those extreamly pointy witch looking shoes - they have a slight point to them but not much- I personally think they are really cute.

Flats are good but heels are good every now and then too