Friday, September 29, 2006

Ever Wonder...

Not a lot happening. My job is busier then I ever dreamed. I feel buried because the girl that was there before me was really behind. Then working for a daily paper with 165,00 circulation is majorly different than working for a twice a week paper with a 4500 circulation. And deadlines mean nothing to the advertisers. I spent 75% of my day today getting late ads in, killing ads and changing ads. The only 25% was trying to get the ads in that deadlined, giving quotes, and dealing with errors from my predecessor. I thought I was taking the less stressful job...but I'm beginning to wonder. I am working a4 hours overtime on Saturday with hopes of getting dug out without phones or emails. Hopefully this will save time as my boss and I won't spend so much time hunting for things. I had orientation with the publisher yesterday (first time even saw him). We went around and introduced ourselves and I said my husband was a minister and accepted a church here. Today in the lunch room, one of the girls that were in orientation was asking details. She is going to a huge church that doesn't even know she exists. So she wanted the details. Pray she comes. That would really be awesome!

Brother Nowling is waiting to hear when he starts at Fed Ex. Joleesa had her orientation at McDonald's. Jessa is looking at taking a job working at a ski resort about 30 minutes away. As you know Jenna has a job interview at ADN on Monday, please pray for her. She really needs to get work.

Church is going well. We're having our first "scheduled" youth function Saturday. I wanted a gym night but I'm having difficulty finding a place so we'll have a game night here with homemade pizza. I hope the youth bring visitors.

Have you ever wondered when things are going so good and keep feeling overwhelmed with God's goodness, how long will it last. I love the Lord so much and I know were in His perfect will. He's proven Himself over and over. But I know the enemy is still present...things by no means are perfect...but they're good, and it's been a long time since it's been like this for me and to have it last so long is scary. At the same time I have felt quilty thinking it, yet a lone actually mention and yet I can't get away from t


Momma Tammi said...

Sort of like waiting for the other shoe to drop? I felt like that too after we moved. It is like living in a fairy tale in spite of the not-so-perfect-things. We have faced some really difficult things, but you know what...those wonderful blessings of God have kept our heads above water every time. The blessings of being in His perfect will just keep on coming. I'm not saying that everything will always be great, but God's blessings, spiritual and material will be there to see you through. I've finally stopped waiting for the other shoe to drop and now, I just wait to see what the next blessing will hold. God is so incredibly good to us! I am overwhelmed by how much He loves us and provides for our every need. This may not have anything, whatsoever, to do with what you are feeling, but...leave it to me to share it anyway. ~grin~

Vicki Smith said...

Okay, I can't help myself. I feel a sermonette coming on. *grinning* You know what I've found, girls? When people give mediocre service, they get mediocre blessings. Remember my favorite song, "I Will Not Offer Anything That Costs Me Nothing"? You guys have both made HUGE sacrifices in order to follow the Lord's will. The vast majority of TCOG members (and sadly, even ministers) would NEVER consider doing what you guys have done, moving thousands of miles away from home and everything familiar. Yet, I'm sure both of you would testify that now that you're there, you don't really feel like you've sacrificed much, after all. Right? Huge sacrifice merits HUGE blessings, then it's like the sacrifice just sorts of shrinks and gets relatively small. It's just SO worth it to put your will aside and seek God's will fully and completely. That realization is what has caused me to embrace all my "weird convictions" that I hold dear to my heart. Although most people would consider me to be "under bondage to outdated rules" that God doesn't really care about, I've found enormous FREEDOM by surrendering my will in these numerous areas of daily living. My "sacrifice" doesn't feel like sacrifice at all--it feels like a huge BLESSING and a wonderous freedom! I don't know if you can understand where I'm coming from, but I just want you both to know I applaud you (and Sister Net, wherever she may be) for your submission to following your husbands and supporting their ministry and for your good attitudes while you're doing it! Way to go!

J Nowling said...

Sisters- I definitely understand where both of you are coming from. I want to take advantage of this time and gain strength and become "at ease" and find the enemy sneaking in on me. I do feel this shadow hovering over me...waiting to see when "that shoe will drop". I keep reminding myself to enjoy it.

J Nowling said...

Oh Sis. Smith-Could you email me the chords to "I will not offer anything that Costs me Nothing"? I've loved that song ever since you taught it when I went to BTI but Jessa has had difficulty playing it on the piano. If she could get the chords that would be great. My email is

Momma Tammi said...

If Sis. Smith doesn't have them handy, I've got the book with the music in it. Although...I do need it transposed to a different key. ~grin~ I can't sing it in what it is written in.

J Nowling said...

We did find a book some time ago (not that we have it now of course) but I think that was part of the problem. When you get it transposed, it would be great if you could scan it and email it to me.

Momma Tammi said...

I'll see what I can do.