Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Emotions of all kinds flowed through me as we pulled into Anchorage at about 5:15 pm. Thankfully the tears flowed while I was still in the car. When we pulled up to the house Micah was waiting with our first welcome. Then Brother Grant and his son Jacob. Pretty soon Larry Willoya and Tim Osborne showed. Last but not least when Josh Grant got off work he arrived too. A total of 13 people unloaded the truck in about an hour's time. It was awesome. BUT we had no heat or hot water. But that's taken care of as well as a new washer installed today. All is overwhelming BUT all is well!

Thanks for the prayers. We love you all


Momma Tammi said...

So glad that you have made it and are unloaded. The emotions will level out in a week or so. After that, you will find yourself, mentally, pinching yourself to make sure you aren't dreaming, that you really do LIVE in Alaska. Enjoy it!

Vicki Smith said...

PRAISE GOD and welcome home! God has been with you through the long journey, and I emphasize LONG! He promised He would never leave us nor forsake us. Now you can begin putting the house together and re-establishing a home. That is something to be thankful for. God is GOOD!