Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Snow, Freezer, Hoar Frost, Melting, Freezing Rain

I wanted warmer weather and that we got. The high actually got to 37 degrees. That means major melting, freezing rain and the streets and parking lots were ice rinks. Brother Nowling sat on Spenard for two solid hours due to a city bus not being able to get traction (he called me very frustrated complaining that he was right next McDonalds but he couldn't even get over to go in and get coffe ~ funny and sad both). Eventually the city buses were all called off the streets. The Glen Hwy was closed, as were the schools, the military bases, the college and I guess this is the first time since 2006. It took me 20 minutes to go 1 mile, and took me almost as long to walk the Alaska duck walk through the parking at work. Pretty much everyone showed up to work and the publisher, who this is his first winter in Alaska (although he's from Wisconsin, he knows my former publisher), was really surprised. So we wouldn't have to go out to lunch and as thanks for everyone braving the roads he ordered pizza for all of ADN. About 50 pizza. He got them from two different pizza places in two different shifts. It was good. We did cancel church tonight as now the temperatures are dropping and the winds are picking up.

Pray for Brother Nowling as he and Tim Osborne leave out for Colorado tomorrow. First that he can get on a flight, as that they were looking pretty full and then second with all the strange weather going on everywhere, that they have a safe and smooth flight as he really doesn't like to fly.


connie said...

We didn't have church tonight because our streets were so treacherous. School was canceled. The buses couldn't run. Bro. Rusty said that when he came home from work, he almost slid into his other car.
When I went outside, I almost lost my balance, it was SO slippery. I went back into the house and got my ice cleats. They will remain on my boots. I do not like the idea of falling.
The contrast in weather from last week to this week is something else.
Oh, and Isaiah had to thaw frozen sewer pipes this morning. They never froze at 25 below, but at 32 above, they froze. Now figure that one out. *shake head*

J Nowling said...

Sis Connie - Weather is so strange. ADN actually was allowing employees to check out (or buy) ice cleats as the parking lot is such sheer ice. The thing is they didn't have any smalls so I took the medium ones and they worked better than nothing but they were definitely too big.

The winds are really whipping out here tonight. I hope it all settles down soon.

Tammy Washburn said...

And it seems that Alaska has sent Alabama a little gift of cold weather. We are supposed to hit 16degrees tonight. We are between 25& 35 right now. Fortunately, we don't have ANY no ice or snow! Ya'll can have it back now! Ha!

We have pipes freeze down here...but thankfully I've never heard of sewer pipes freezing!