Saturday, January 10, 2009

Still Waiting for the thaw!

Every day this week it has still been below zero. My week didn't have much excitement in it. We dealt with cold, my car struggling to start. We finally had Jessa's car towed and though it was several different things wrong (which I can't even begin to remember them all), some of them were do to the cold and unfortunately it cost her quite a bit. This weekend it was suppose to warm, which supposedly it got up to zero. A warm spell~yippee. By next weekend it's suppose to get into the 20's. I hope so as Brother Nowling leaves for Colorado on Thursday, get this, he's leaving on his 50th birthday (anyone from Colorado that reads this, raz him big time about hitting the big 50 AND be as old as Alaska has been a state ~ January 3rd was Alaska's statehood anniversary). Back to the weather, I really don't want to have to deal with the cold while he's gone. He'll be gone for about 8 days, preaching at men's retreat, preaching a couple of nights at Brother Keven's church and I'm not sure what else.

The only other excitement this week for me happened today. I finally filed for my passport. We'd gone to get before the holidays and the lines were sooooo long as we have to go to the post office, so we just picked up the paper work. We went to breakfast this morning and then headed over the PO but they only do passports from 3 pm - 8 pm. The guy said to expect a long line and he was right. We went to Costco to get my picture (good thing as we didn't see them doing any pictures)then we went over at 3:10 and waited in line for 1 1/2 hours but it was interesting to talking to the people in the line. But any way, I should have my passport in about 4 weeks. Sister Sharon got quotes for flights, we'll be meeting up in Detroit and then flying on together to the UK. Her quote from Anchorage to England is $1500. About what we figured. I am hoping to fly to Chicago on a positive space pass that Jody got for Christmas from the airlines so Sister Sharon is going to get me a quote from Chicago. It'll be interesting what the difference will be.

Oh I guess there was another interesting thing in my week, the man that we rent the building from, that has been after me to come work for him since before we moved here, called me again. I met him for lunch and this time it's sounding more interesting. I would be the general manager of his business. Basically the liaison between him and his businesses. Being involved with the chamber, tourism committee, etc here and do his marketing. He bought the historic experience theatre downtown last year so he is really wants to have someone be more involved in the community for him. I asked him to send me a job description and salary, and that I wanted to meet and speak with his son who is partner with him in the business. They both live in Hawaii. He just hasn't given up on my coming to work for him. I just keep asking God to show me. Things have changed considerably at the newspaper. My commissions have been cut to 1/5 of what they I'm open now more than I was before. Oh I did tell him I would need to have a guarantee that I could have 22 days off with pay for going to England, camp, Jessa's wedding, IYC and the assembly. He sounded like he would work with me on we'll see.

Hey has anyone ever had a smell in your house that you can't figure out what or where it's coming from? A week or so ago we had halibut for dinner. There was some that leftovers that didn't get used that we found when cleaning out the fridge. It wasn't much so it got put down the garbage disposal and the wrapping thrown in the garbage outside. We smelled it that initial day but then it went away, Brother Nowling put Dawn soap down the disposal and all. We've mopped, scrubbed down counters with bleach and it still smells. You walk into the house and it hits you. We've all walked though the house trying to figure where it gets stronger and we can't identify it. I've stuck my nose in the disposal, the garbage, the fridge, the freezer, bags of potatoes, everywhere and some of the others have too (not to the extent I have ~ they are smarter than men) but we can't find it. I put orange peels down the disposal. We've washed out the garbage can and the cupboard that it sits in. It is so frustrating and sickening!!!!

Well I need to start putting the Christmas stuff away. Yeah it's pathetic that's it's still up, but it's been just too cold to get the containers out of our storage, but it'll be nice to have my living room back.


Vicki Smith said...

My Christmas stuff is still up, too. But didn't get it up until 5 days before Christmas. :-D Maybe tomorrow I'll take down the outside stuff so a least it won't be an irritation to the passers-by. I can live with the indoor stuff for a few more days.
As for the smell, I don't know what to say. You've done everything I would have suggested other than burnin candles to mask the smell. Maybe something got under the house or in the wall and died? We had some awful smell in our house when we got home from our last out of town trip, but I just burned candles to mask it and now it seems to be gone.

J Nowling said...

Brother Nowling is a candle freak. We've burnt candles, I have one of those frebreeze machines, we've ran that. We keep spraying lysol in the kitchen. My problem is I have a hard time with too much of those kind of smells. They make my head and chest hurt.

If anything is dead under the house or in the walls you would think it's to frozen to smell ~ giggle.

It seems to be getting a little better, but I really hate everyone coming in to my house saying "ew it stinks in here" (this is the girls). This is one time I'm thankful we haven't had anyone visiting.

Vicki Smith said...

You have a good point about the frozen carcass. Hmmmm. I'm fresh out of ideas. You could always open a window and let some fresh air in. (As Becki would say after a comment like that, "Don't hit!") ;-)