Friday, July 07, 2006

A Better Day & My Convention Program

Yesterday was a better day. I actually left work caught up on everything. I finished the last thing right at 5 pm. It's amazing how many times it works that way for me. Best of all, I have to cover this weekend for my district manager. He does any routes that we can't fill as well as other things. Anyway there were two walk routes that were open, and I really didn't want to do another route (we've done them for 9 years). PTL I got them both covered and even filled one for him.

I came home and Jenna, Joleesa and I went out to eat (we've just got to stop eating out ~ shakes head). Then we went to Walmart and I got a badly needed hair cut and some of the things that were needed for my youth program at convention next week.

As you'll find out from Jenna's blog I'm using what was going to be the banquet theme with a twist to it. It's "The Valley of the Shadow of Death" (Yes Psalms 23). What soldier, during war time, doesn't face the valley of death. The world is the Christian's valley of Death. The cross seperates us from the world and hell. That's all I'll share at this time. But please pray that it will have a powerful impact on our youth.

Well I need to get work. I hope everyone has a good day.


Momma Tammi said...

I'm praying for your service. Looking forward to hearing all about it afterwards.