Tuesday, July 04, 2006

What should've been a quiet day at work turned out anything but...

In our department head meeting last week we all thought the Monday before the 4th (see that would be July 3rd wouldn't it) would be real quiet. Yeah right! We had several staff gone on vacation, which still would've been ok except anything that could go wrong did go wrong. I went in at 6:30 am (instead of my normal 8 am) as I wanted to get payroll and carrier billing done before anyone got there as I had early deadline for both because of the holiday. Payroll went smooth (once the supervisors got there to sign off on them ~shake heads~) but our finance office messed up the carrier billing as I was holding my breath that they wouldn't come back to me and say we can''t pay them until Friday, when they're suppose to be paid on Wednesday. When it comes to peoples pay, I am so careful and yet there are those that could careless. But they finally got it corrected and they're suppose to have it in their accounts on Wednesday. We'll see ~raises eyebrows~ Then we had routes that didn't get done Sunday so my district manager was out doing that. Our Reminder paper that we usually put out on Tuesday was suppose to be done on Monday and delivered to the post offices and carriers Monday afternoon. Yeah right. We don't print our own paper our sister paper in Chippewa Falls, about 30 miles from us, does. They called several times changing the plan (and of course the publisher was one of them on vacation and he's the one that would make them stick the original plan, the general manager was there but he's useless). We had carriers quit before they started. We had ads missing for a future paper. It seemed like no matter how simple the job was to be it was complicated by a difficulty of some sort or another.

If it was slow we were allowed to close the "front office" at 4 pm instead of 5 pm. 4 pm came and everyone BUT myself and my dm left. I finally put the phones to night as no one was there in the other departments to take the calls.

I did leave at 4:45 pm and Jody took me to the clinic to get my B12 shot. I have been so tired, no matter how much sleep I get that I was desperately needing it. Well, he got his first lesson on giving the shots. I'm asking my doctor to give me a perscription (for a year) and just having Jody give it so I don't have to go through all the tests again in Alaska. I had that option all along but it was just easier (and I felt safer ~ for me~ smile) to go to the lab monthly. Next month he'll go with me and the nurse will actually have him give me the shot. It's such a tiny needle it shouldn't be too bad. Actually I'm kind of proud of him, he use to be really afraid of needles. But again that could've been only if they were coming at him ~laughing~ He had never seriously been too anxious to do it. Some have asked why not have Jessa do it...trust me I would, but I know she won't always be with us and Jody has no choice. He's stuck with me until death (don't worry, I'm safe, an overdose of B12 can't kill someone. I'm not sure what effect it would have but not death--I hope not any way. *smile*)

Then we went to our treasurer's house to do our minister's reports, etc We also took her the hamster that she had given Joleesa a few months ago. We won't be taking it with us to Alaska and none of us really take the time to enjoy it any. Jenna and Joleesa did on a rare occasion. Although I guess Sunday night we had taken it to the basement because it was cooler, and it decided to get out and visit Jenna in her room. She was up (surprise) so she didn't get scared. It just sat in it's cage and it's been so hot here. Any way she said she'd take it back, so we took it to her.

It took a little bit to unwind from my stressful day but when my head hit the pillow I was out.

I'm grateful I'm off today. We'll be working the Junior Olympics and the Dunk Tank for the optimist club at our Freedom Fest and then the fireworks tonight.

Then there's Wednesday...I hope it takes it's time in coming as I am not looking forward to going to work.

Now that I've bored everyone with my day, I think I'll go do something I don't do very often any more, make us bacon and eggs for breakfast.

Have a fun 4th of July


Momma Tammi said...

Wow! What a day you had! Enjoy your day off. Try out that new word...or is it an old word...anyway...RELAX, that is the word that I am talking about. I hear that it works wonders for someone who has been really stressed and just physically and emotionally exhausted. I haven't gotten the hang of it yet, but maybe it will work for you. ~giggle~ Love ya!

Anonymous said...


Juls4Him said...

I'm praying that your Wednesday back to work will go smoothly and that everyone will have their paychecks and that you can "relax" as Sis Tammi says....yeah right, huh? Well, we can dream about relaxing anyhow! Hugs and prayers are coming your way today, Sis.

J Nowling said...

Thanks ladies...I did enjoy my day overall.