Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Tonight the last of Joleesa's school work is going into the envelope and will be put in the mail. The homeschool struggle will be ended. I have spent the evenings this week and last Thursday doing nothing but working with her on her school. It's not all her fault. She doesn't have the drive for school. Some kids do but some just don't and she doesn't. Homeschooling has been tough with my working full time. It was to easy for her to let it go and though I would be on her at times, if I didn't follow up and stay on her she'd get behind. Though she's done alright with her grades, I feel like she really hasn't learned much as so much was jammed in at one time that she would memorize just long enough for the quiz or test. Homework is not graded or turned in.... so did I do her justice this year? I was watching out for her soul.

But what about next year? She'll be a senior. Our "baby" actually turns 17 Monday, July 24th (same day as Brother Sutton ~smile~ obviously he's not turning 17). She absolutely does NOT want to be homeschooled and I don't know if I can take on the responsibility with all the changes in our lives. Bottom line academically I don't know that it was the best thing for her...spiritually ~shrugs shoulders~. Brother Nowling and I have been praying. We are probably going to let her go to the public school. I pray the young people in Alaska will be close and active and that will make a difference.

Anyway, one more thing completed, done, and I don't have to think about it any more.

AND FINALLY it cooled off! It's awesome today. It rained (not enough to do the grass and crops any good) and cooled it off. It's been only in the low 70's. After almost 100 - SWEET!


Anonymous said...

Hooray!!!! You're a Senior!

Juls4Him said...

Hi Sister Jada, I have a thought. I went through the same thing with Brad's schooling. He wasn't motivated enough and I got so tired of nagging and pressing and I wasn't working a job like you. For his senior year, he went and took the GED test during the summer (not sure if he would pass or not...he got the book ahead of time which you can get at any book store). IF she is able to pass the test (and you might be surprised...maybe there's help needed in math or something), she could get a diploma and then take her senior year at a community college up there (I'm sure there is one). My personal opinion is that a CC is much much better than the high school environment. The classes are basically the same but better quality. English 101, etc. I had to count up what Brad had accomplished couse wise for the state of NC but he had gotten it all done for their requirements. If she is lacking some, look at just sending her to a couple of classes. When they are under 18, some colleges will admit them temporarily without the GED and teach them what they need for the GED. Instead of just doing the senior curric. for a high school level, or sending her to the school, I would check that out. Especially with going to a whole new part of the country. She can make friends at the college that maybe she will keep (it will help to be somewhere where she can meet people). I think the worldliness will still be there BUT there are often also older people in those classes and not just kids. It's a thought. For just one more year, I'd think hard about it. She isn't going to get continuity with that graduating class up there and will be considered an outsider for a time. Brad ended up taking a whole year of college for his senior year of HS. Just thinking outloud here....I have lots of empathy for your situation!

J Nowling said...

Thanks for the input. I will look into it.