Saturday, July 01, 2006

Furniture gone & got to talk to Sis. Annette

Well my brother came today and loaded up his truck and trailer with a good share of our furniture. It was a bitter sweet feeling. I'm ok though because when I came in and saw how empty our house is once again I realized, less is better. Some of these things I don't want to replace...and the girls keep telling us no more being pack rats (Brother Nowling). It was really hot and humid and my brother was pretty miserable with us having no air conditioning. He was actually looking forward to the 3 hour drive home with the air conditioning (glad we could make his drive home something to look forward too - grin). Anyway, since the dining room and family was so empty; after Brother Nowling, Jenna and Jessa took a two hour nap (Joleesa and I couldn't sleep, so we went to Caribou). I got them up. Each one took a room and the house has a semblence of being clean. We have no dining room chairs and the hutch is gone so we pushed the table back in the corner and have stacked our boxed dishes, books, etc in the corner of the dining room, instead of the middle of it. We sorted through all kinds of things (I can actually see the table now). Monday we hope to hit the storage room some more. All is well, I feel like we're making process. Every now and then reminising takes place (like when I was getting some of things out of our bedroom). But...all is good.

Sis. Annette called tonight. They should make Seattle tonight. Things have been going fine for them. She hopes to share on her blog tonight. I enjoy sharing their journey as there are things that they are experiencing and so are we; or they have already gone through it and our turn is yet to come ~smile~ To see how God got them there safely is an encouragement for us. When I hung up with her they had just come across a bad accident but the Lord has kept them safe.

She is so fun to share with too. We had Brother Bobby grinning as we talked about the need for a "honey bucket" for us when we travel the Yukon. lol

Your prayers are obviously being heard so keep them coming. I'm praying for you folks that are in the midst of conventions. Ours is July 15th, Brother Aviles is our overseer. Brother Lester, Brother Dan Lira, and the Jackson family are our guests. We really covet your prayers. We'll only be able to make the Saturday afternoon, and evening session (don't know about Sunday yet).

God bless you all. Have a great Sunday.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed our conversation as well! LOL! Brother Sutton on the other hand ... :0) just kidding.
I think our trips out of the country prepared us for this trip. We have learned to limit the amount of water and food we inhale and mearsure that with the distance of the exits with service!LOL! And absolutely no MEXICAN!!!
Sis. Jada, It is okay!!! We are all going to be okay!! God brought us safely through this leg of the journey and it has just increased my faith!!! Look forward to the journey. Exhale, it is alright to start breathing again!LOL!

J Nowling said...

I think Brother Nowling needs to learn the lesson of limits. Every time we stop he gets a diet coke ~grin~.

I'm looking forward to the journey (at least the first couple of days that is) ~smile~ It's getting ready for that journey that has ALL stressed and what may come along with that journey that has me apprehensive, but God has proven Himself over and over again hasn't He!

You remember to keep breathing too.
I know until you're settle that won't come natural.

Love ya.