Saturday, August 19, 2006


Ok. This morning I had a royal melt down. I slipped off the end of the robe in trying to get ready for my niece's wedding. The dress I was going to wear was too tight so I decided to wear my black dress slacks instead. But I couldn't find them anywhere. I thought I had washed them along with a black tank top. But they weren't in the clean clothes. I was going through packed totes. Jody went through packed totes...I sat on the bed and bawled. I didn't want to go but I knew I would regret it if I didn't. I hated everything about myself at that moment. Anyway I finally found a different outfit and we were finally out the door. I'm glad we went. Almost my whole family was there. It was a simple but pretty wedding and they even had a time of worship in song. But most of all it was so good to be able to see my brothers, sisters and several nieces and nephews and even dad before we took off. All of them do think they'll never see us again though ~shakes head.

As we were driving to the wedding it dawned on me I didn't remember seeing some of Jody's dress pants that I had washed either. Jenna and I did nine loads of laundry Thursday night so I got to wondering, did we miss one? So as we pulled into town we went to the laundromat and sure enough as we pulled into the parking lot we saw a basket of dark clothes by the window. I go in and there's my black slacks, Jody's dress pants and a WHOLE load of dark clothes. NOW I KNOW I OFFICIALLY HAVE LOST IT ~laughing~. I don't know if I can trust myself in anything these days. But I am greatful that they were all still there. But by the way, this reinforces how much I hate going to laundromat. And I know I'll have to go one more time before we move. YUCK!

Hope everyone has a great day in the Lord tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

/ here's my shoulder, you can lean on it if you like!

Sister Net

J Nowling said...

Thanks for the shoulder. Love ya lady.

Vicki Smith said...

*shaking head* Oh, Sister Jada, I SO understand! I understand your dislike of laundramats and I understand your lack of brain functionality. *sadly nodding head* I feel your pain. *sniff, sniff* I WOULD tell you that one day you'll look back on these days and laugh, but it's probably not the truth. Your brain probably won't LET you remember ANYTHING! *tee hee*

Juls4Him said...

No, she just did such a beautiful job in telling this story that I know her brain is doing great now (for this stretch of do I get it!) I think this woman should be a novelist! She can tell a story and get your emotions going in seven directions in a minute. Maybe she and Sister Becki could collaborate on a book...we could have drama and comedy all mixed. It would be a bestseller! Sister, I can sooooo relate to your story. Thanks for sharing so the rest of us don't think we're alone! Lots of extra hugs for the new week.