Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Great to be home

Well things are back to normal, or as normal as they can be under the circumstances. I was afraid to go into work as usually when I'm gone I have big problems to deal with...but not this time. Though I had lots waiting for me, no fires to put out and everyone genuinely welcomed me back and were interested in the details of the trip.

Then I went grocery shopping, as Jenna cleaned out the fridge and there wasn't too much in it as the girls ate out all weekend.

Then Joleesa and I spent the whole evening on her home school stuff. Getting it all together to send off. She's been way behind but I think she's seeing the end of the tunnel now. She's been really pushing herself and is looking forward to being done. If only she would've worked steady all year, she would be done. Homeschooling is tough to keep the motivation going. Over all she's done alright.

Then I made our hotel reservations for the assembly the place we have stayed for the last 4 years or so was booked (because Brother Nowling was telling everyone about it-and now we can't get a room). It was the In town suites at $24/night. Thankfully Brother Sutton told us of the Econolodge for $35/night. Actually this will save us money as a family as the other place only allowed 3 to a room so we had to get 2 rooms. Here we'll all be in one room-probably crowded but we'll survive.

From there I called one of our pastor's to see where some of their church camp applications were. They were suppose to have them to me by 6/1 (yeah right)! Anyway, tonight was a busy night but I got a lot accomplished, except our luggage still hasn't been unpacked. Hopefully tomorrow night. I still have to work with Joleesa on a couple more things.

Jenna accomplished a lot in the garage and we'll do more on Saturday while Brother Nowling works overtime to make up for the time lost while we were gone. I know it's so hard for the girls, I'm proud of them for trusting in the Lord. I know He'll bless them for it.

As you can you can see I'm becoming a night person too *smile* Actually, I did take about half hour power nap when I came home because I was following a sleep looking over Joleesa's things.

Anyway 5:30 am comes early as I have my Optimist Club meeting in the morning. So goodnight.


Anonymous said...

It wasn't the Econo Lodge!LOL!!!

J Nowling said...

Did your husband give us bad info...actually I don't know that I'd say it was bad as I did get rooms. I take it was incorrect info *smile*. At this point we have rooms at a reasonable price and that's what counts. Where is it you folks are staying.

J Nowling said...

Ok I'm the idiot...I didn't make the reservations at Econo Lodge...I don't know even where that came from. We are staying where you and Bobby are staying. I stand corrected by Jenna and Micah. *shaking head at herself*

Anonymous said...


Momma Tammi said...

Sounds like your brain hit a speed bump! Works for me! ~hee hee~

J Nowling said...

Sis. Tammi - thanks for the explanation *smile*. I think there's been too many speed bumps in my path both at home and at work. My brain has been fading on such simple things...would it be malfunction? Just don't crash on me *slaps forhead*...fortunately I know the best doctor ever - our creator and with Him nothing is hopeless (thank you Lord).