Saturday, June 10, 2006

We Accomplished a lot today.

We've spent the last 6 hours working on our thrift sale. I'm really proud of the girls. The ALL helped out a lot with very little arguing and only a couple of tough moments. We've already made $35 and the sale isn't until Friday. One of our friends whose an avid thrift saler (is that a word *smile*) came over as he's been bugging us for weeks wanting to know what's all for sale. Actually we're keeping a tap for him as he has to call his sons about a couple of things and bring his wife back on some things.

Tomorrow afternoon Brother Nowling will help us get some of the furniture up from downstairs. He worked today as to make up for the time and money lost on Monday. I'm not sure where we're going to put it until Friday as our garage is already full but there's no other time he'll be able to help. I tell you one thing it better not rain on Friday and Saturday or we're in trouble. If we sell all that we have out there today we should make a good amount of money, let alone what we have yet to sell in our second sale.

Any way my body aches and I'm exhausted but I feel like we've jumped a big hurdle here today.

I'm going to sit back and relax for little bit while I wait for Jenna to get out the tub (oh maybe I shouldn't have said that *giggle*) and I've also got to study for SS.

Good night all. Thanks once again for the prayers. I know they are what has kept us going.


marshasblog said...

I wish I could come to your yard sale..I LOVE Yard Sales and especially MOVING YARD SALES...but that may be just a little to far to drive..oh well...

We're praying for you all!!

J Nowling said...

Hey sister we'd love to have you. You can spend the night if you'd like. LOL

Thanks for the prayers and give that husband of yours a big hug from the Nowlings.