Sunday, June 11, 2006

What A Weekend.

Wow! What a weekend. We worked hard on the thrift sale yesterday. After church today Brother Nowling brought up several pieces of furniture and then him and I went and mowed the 3 1/2 acres of church lawn. It was cool outside but sunny and it felt good to be outside. He actually said I did a good job too (amazing, he's usually hard to satisfy when it comes to mowing ~ love you honey). It's real hilly. He did the big hill which I was glad because it was hard to stay on the mower. But I did the other hill and the back of the church. Like I said it felt good...that is until I went to get off the mower. After sitting for hour and a half vibrating. I went to stand and ohhhhh I hurt! Both hips-big time. Just to take a step. And then my neck and shoulder's tonight (I'm not sure why they hurt). But all and all it was a productive weekend, I'll live with the pain, as it too shall pass *grin*

We then had prayer service at church and then one of our members went with us to Pizza Hut and she actually treated. It was a nice ending to the weekend.

Hope everyone has a good week.