Monday, June 12, 2006

Our House and Camp

Quite the title I know but they really do fit together. Our house is closing in on me. The garage is packed to the brim. The dining room has boxes of clothes and dishes in it that need to go in the garage but there is no more room (and the floor is filthy). The living room has two tvs sitting on the floor (they're for my brother; we had to pull them out of the garage). The basement's a mess. There is no "haven of rest", that is a place that isn't cluttered, although we have managed to keep the furniture in the living room cleared. I am not clausterphobic but man this is driving me crazy! But just 3 more days and we'll open up the garage and it will become a garage/yard sale (or as is called in Wisconsin a thrift sale). I know I won't get my house back probably ever again but it definitely will have less clutter *smile*

Now how does camp fit in? There's no room for any more things for the thrift sale so I plopped myself on the clean couch and finally got to work on camp *big smile*. Our camp is July 30-Aug 3rd and I have yet to have the staff put together. The schedule has been made for a couple of months but the staff has been a problem as there aren't that many available this year. Also, the campground we are at this year goes by the number of cabins (and then so much per person for food) instead of a flat amount per person like we've been use to. This is very new and therefore a challenge. I have to be sure we don't go in the red and the more cabins we have to open the greater chance of that. We are sitting ok right now but it's close. I need to get the t-shirt design that Jenna did up into the company so I can have a sample for our convention which is July 15th. Plus I need to get the things for the banquet so Jenna can get going on the props for that. Also, my boss for several years has helped me with any wood working I need so I need to talk to him about some ideas and see what he'd be able to do. He actually made our church sign, he's made me the coolest anchor for our camp theme"Anchored in the Truth", A world with a stand and stars for "Lights in a darkened World". It seems like there's been others but I can't think of them. Anyway it looks like I've got the staff, cabins, etc figured out. I'm just waiting to see if a Sister from MN will be able to come to help out. If she can't we'll still be able to pull it off with the Lord's help.

Besides camp I also need to work on my VLB program for the convention. It's all in my head...I just need to get the props, specials and message togther.

Life would be boring if we only had one thing to work on at a time now wouldn't it Sister Tammi.

God bless everyone, have a good nights sleep.


Momma Tammi said...

Yes, life would be VERY boring if we got to work on just one thing at a time. Where would the excitement be in that? ~grin~

Kasey said...

This my dear watson, is the spice of life. :)

Kasey said...

This my dear watson, is the spice of life. :)